Use "secretions" in a sentence

1. Coughing hinders EBUS and Aerosolises secretions

2. The secretions produced during sex are natural antihistamine.

3. Adhesive label with fluidifying agents for natural airway secretions

4. Of or relating to the Adrenal glands or their secretions

5. Heavy metal ions precipitate the mucous secretions of their gills .

6. The hypothalamus controls hormone secretions from the nearby pituitary gland.

7. Astringent taste also dries up any secretions and absorbs mucus (Kapha).

8. 14 The hypothalamus controls hormone secretions from the nearby pituitary gland.

9. In fact, how do any toxic animals survive their own secretions?

10. 5 These secretions are used by the caterpillar as a defence.

11. Coughing protects the respiratory system by clearing it of irritants and secretions

12. Much like other Begroaned bodily secretions like armpit sweat, it’s about cleanliness

13. Aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions containing Actinomycetes is the usual mechanism of infection

14. Treatment for Asthmatic bronchitis involves bronchodilators, steroids, treating secretions, leukotriene inhibitors, antibiotics, …

15. A sample of nasopharyngeal secretions is maintained in a nutrient medium pending assay.

16. Secretions from the pygidial gland appear to function as an alarm-repellent substance.

17. Surfactant is the name given to the lipid secretions that lie in the alveoli.

18. 15 rows  · Cerumen, or earwax, is a combination of glandular secretions and …

19. Secretions from Acini flow out of the pancreas through a tree-like series of ducts

20. What does Achlorhydria mean? Absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretions of the stomach

21. “Eye Boogers are secretions from the lacrimal ducts or tear ducts,” Butler told The Dodo

22. Hemlock wooly Adelgid are difficult to control because the fluffy secretions protect it from pesticides

23. Injectable: Atropine is a prescription medication used to reduce salivation and bronchial secretions before surgery

24. A Cough that brings up mucus or other secretions is called a productive, or wet, Cough

25. Causes of a Bilious attack include liver congestion, unstable diet, constipation, migraine, reduced bile secretions and acidosis

26. Through the absorption test it is possible differentiate between the secretions of a secretor or non-secretor.

27. Accumulation of secretions in the hypopharynx, aditus laryngis and trachea constitute a cardinal trait of oropharyngeal dysphagia.

28. 4 Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions.

29. The Cephalic phase is the first of three phases associated with gastric secretions in the digestive system

30. Atropine may be used during pregnancy as a preoperative, preanesthetic agent to reduce salivation and bronchial secretions

31. Atropine is used to help reduce saliva, mucus, or other secretions in your airway during a surgery

32. It appears that the more secretions she's got, the more likely the baby is to suckle quickly.

33. The lumen of the Areolae is filled with the secretions of the uterine glands, the so-called histiotroph

34. The lumen of the Areolae is filled with the secretions of the uterine glands, the so-called histiotroph

35. This showed a conical hard object lodged firmly in her right intermediate bronchus, granular tissue, and purulent secretions.

36. Semenogelin (Sg), the major protein of the human semen Coagulum, is present at high concentrations in seminal vesicle secretions

37. Nebulisation, a popular therapy in emergency units, however, Aerosolises patients’ secretions which increases the risk of spreading the coronavirus.

38. The absence of the normal secretion or flow of mucus: A person with Amyxorrhea is missing the protective secretions of mucus membranes; such as, the mucus membrane secretions in the digestive tract where it is needed to lubricate the passages of food.

39. Secretions spit out of every gland, and the muscles tense and spasm like you're lifting three times your body weight.

40. Cae virus may also be spread among adult goats through contact with body secretions including blood and feces of …

41. 17 The hepatitis B antigen is found in blood, saliva, urine, semen, vaginal secretions and possibly other body fluids.

42. An Aspirator is a small suction tool used to extract secretions, such as fluids or mucus, from a cavity

43. 8 Eg. 6 Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions.

44. 8 The secretions of the anterior pituitary gland control the activities of the adrenal cortex and other endocrine organs.

45. Atropine is an anticholinergic medicine which is used to decrease the production of saliva and other fluid secretions during surgery

46. Astringent, any of a group of substances that cause the contraction or shrinkage of tissues and that dry up secretions

47. Amyxorrhea (s) , Amyxorrheas (pl) The absence of the normal secretion or flow of mucus: A person with Amyxorrhea is missing the protective secretions of mucus membranes; such as, the mucus membrane secretions in the digestive tract where it is needed to lubricate the passages of food.

48. Lafaye emphasizes, “Looking at the tongue is irrelevant.” She adds, “Bulbar onset is marked by problems swallowing, chewing, and controlling secretions.

49. Uses of Atropen: It is used to treat some poisonings. In surgery, it is used to lower secretions such as saliva

50. He’s such a Castorid connoisseur that he’s been known to distill the animals’ scent secretions and mix them with vodka

51. Although Aardwolves forage alone, they live in breeding pairs that defend a territory marked by secretions from the anal glands

52. Another cause for Crackles is when air enters the lung and bubbles in secretions, either fluid in the lungs or mucus

53. Agnatha excrete enzyme and secretions near the buccal cavity (mouth) that break down the hosts blood to prevent it from clotting

54. Airborne disease can spread when people with certain infections cough, sneeze, or talk, spewing nasal and throat secretions into the air

55. Bunting: a behavior of cats in which they rub or push their face against objects, probably depositing glandular secretions; a form of olfactory communication

56. Asthma is characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes with increased production of sticky secretions inside the tubes. People with Asthma experience symptoms when …

57. Methods: 2038 cases of vaginal secretions of patients with suspected vaginitis were collected and detected by normal saline smear method and Gram stain microscopy.

58. Antitussive agents are not indicated in the treatment of equine heaves, as coughing is a beneficial mechanism essential for the clearance of respiratory secretions.

59. Pseudoliths, sometimes referred to as sludge, are thick secretions that may be present within the gallbladder, either alone or in conjunction with fully formed gallstones.

60. Agrimony has traditionally been used to help with gallbladder and liver disorders due to its bitter tonic action, which promotes the stimulation of digestive and liver secretions.

61. 20 Overexpression of MUC5AC, MUC5B and MUC2 have been described in asthma secretions, Inflammatory mediators linked to asthma also take part in the regulation of mucus hypersecretion .

62. The Ampulla of Vater or Ampulla is the small projection into the duodenum through which bile and pancreatic secretions flow to mix with food for digestion

63. In medicine, Astringents cause constriction or contraction of mucous membranes and exposed tissues and are often used internally to reduce discharge of blood serum and mucous secretions

64. Even when the caterpillar enters the pupal stage, it continues to provide the ants with some honeydew as well as other secretions that the ants fancy eating.

65. Exposure to another person's germs is the cause of all Colds, usually through the transmission of saliva or nasal secretions, but certain factors make infection more likely.

66. Laboratory tests show that secretions from the bodies of these millipedes are rich in two chemicals that are potent mosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate capuchins.

67. 22 Each duct thus forms a miniature reservoir for the secretions of each single secretory cells,[] a novel structural arrangement in exocrine glands of social Hymenoptera.

68. This condition masquerades as Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, or bronchiectasis (localized irreversible expansion of part of the Bronchial tree resulting in airflow obstruction and impaired clearance of secretions).

69. Fish and other aquatic life are also affected by the sudden rise in pH . Presence of strong alkalis can cause asphyxiation by coagulating the gill secretions in fish .

70. The First Years® bulb-style nasal Aspirator provides gentle suction to remove excess mucus or secretions from baby’s nasal passage, and is easy to use and clean

71. Secretin is a hormone that regulates water homeostasis throughout the body and influences the environment of the duodenum by regulating secretions in the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

72. Now Apocrine glands release secretions from the apex of the cell or the top of the cell breaks off So the top of your cell breaks off to release a mixture of proteins, lipids, and steroids so proteins, lipids, and steroids so a whole bunch of things right here And finally merocrine secretion or merocrine glands release their secretions which is

73. In adults, it is apparently the complex fine structure of the aditus, as described in the present paper, that aids the retention of secretions and the formation of granulation tissues.

74. 28 The opening into the maxillary sinus is probed with a curved suction, and any disease or secretions are removed. The meatotomy is then completed using retrograde forceps.

75. From skin secretions of Bombinae, we have isolated an enzyme that catalyzes the isomerization of an L-Ile in position 2 of a model peptide to D-allo-Ile

76. Bronchoscopy helps the doctor to see if the airways are blocked or narrowed, contain abnormal secretions (mucous) or a foreign body, and are in the right position in the lungs.

77. A suction machine, also known as an Aspirator, is a type of medical device that is primarily used for removing obstructions — like mucus, saliva, blood, or secretions — from a person’s airway

78. BACKGROUND: Crackles in COPD are believed to be generated by the re-opening of collapsed airways, which result from chronic inflammation, secretions, and loss of cartilaginous support through inflammation

79. The size and morphology of the concretions correspond with the aggregates of soil particles, mixed with organic secretions, protecting some Acridian ootheca (Chapman & Robertson, 1985, Popov et al., 1990)

80. Rather, HBV is spread when blood or other body fluids, such as semen, vaginal secretions, or saliva from an infected person, enter another’s bloodstream through broken skin or mucous membranes.