Use "seacoasts" in a sentence

1. Simple goitre, the most frequent result, is most common in areas without access to salt water and is rare along seacoasts.

2. The Marine Corps Hymn proclaims that marines are “first to fight,” and that remains true in this age of Eurasian seacoasts Abristle with long-range …

3. Charadriiform - Charadriiform - Auks (suborder Alcae): Alcids breed in island colonies along Arctic and north temperate seacoasts, with the exception of a few murrelets that breed inland on mountains

4. The Marine Corps Hymn proclaims that marines are “first to fight,” and that remains true in this age of Eurasian seacoasts Abristle with long-range precision-guided armaments and missile-armed

5. The Marine Corps Hymn proclaims that marines are “first to fight,” and that remains true in this age of Eurasian seacoasts Abristle with long-range precision-guided armaments and missile-armed ships and planes prowling sea and sky