Use "sea risk" in a sentence

1. If they ditch in the sea their long wings can get critically waterlogged With every swoop, they risk drowning

2. 6 Chattel mortgage; The Third-Party Logistics; Risk identification; Risk control; Risk evaluating; Risk matrix technique.

3. Salt Sea (Dead Sea)

4. E11 Salt Sea (Dead Sea)

5. This lecture explains risk averse, risk neutral, and risk Acceptant (risk loving) preferences in a game theoretical context

6. Anthozoans include coral, sea fans, sea pansies and sea anemones

7. The Baltic Sea is a brackish sea adjoining the North Sea.

8. Attestation Risk: Another risk to consider is what is known as Attestation risk

9. Sea Anemones, Corals and Jellyfish are all Cnidarians as are Hydras, Sea Whips, Sea Fans and Sea Pansies.

10. The system consists of 6 grade I indexes and 20 grade II indexes as policy management, surroundings risk, owner risk, deviser risk, supervisor risk and contractor risk.

11. Anthozoans include sea anemones, a variety of corals, sea fans, and sea pens

12. Then a risk transfer algorithm is presented, as well as risk evaluating, bottleneck risk identifying, risk adjusting and optimizing is discussed by taking lead time risk as an example.

13. I am aware that this is a rather small selection of online publications on transfer risk, Convertibility risk, sovereignty risk and political risk

14. Various species of the subphylum tunicata are commonly known as Ascidians, sea squirts, tunicates, sea pork, sea livers, or sea tulips

15. a) The Agreement on Reducing the Risk from Accidents relating to Nuclear Weapons etc., b) Speedy return of inadvertent Line Crossers, c) Prevention of incidents at Sea.

16. Anthozoans include sea anemones, sea pens, and corals

17. 3.3 Legal Framework 3.4 Payments System Risks Sources of Risk Risk Control and Risk Allocation Mechanisms

18. The accompanying Regulations outline three risk dimensions: institutional adjustment, escape risk and risk to public safety.

19. The notable Cnidarians include hydras, the corals, Portuguese men-of-war, jellyfish, sea anemones, sea whips, sea pens, and sea fans

20. Risk arbitrage is practiced by investors called risk Arbitrageurs

21. The escrow account has exposure to the following financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk.

22. More sea trials followed in the Baltic Sea.

23. Risk factors

24. Crinoids, also known as sea lilies, are related to starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers

25. Mostly marine animals, the Cnidarians include the corals, hydras, jellyfish, Portuguese men-of-war, sea anemones, sea pens, sea whips, and sea fans.

26. 'Health risk '

27. 18 To sail on the sea on a stormy night like this was a great risk but the crew was determined to take the bull by the horns.

28. Risk Rating for Barbarica Low Risk Last risk assessment was performed on 08 Jan 2019, 17:15 UTC

29. Risk Rating for Achilleas Low Risk Last risk assessment was performed on 26 Feb 2021, 12:16 UTC

30. This risk is therefore often referred to as capital risk.

31. 23 BSE risk assessments in the UK: a risk tradeoff?

32. Risk Rating for Asteris Moderate Risk Last risk assessment was performed on 10 Apr 2020, 15:16 UTC

33. Sea or bay salt comes from evaporating sea water.

34. Coral is a sea animal similar to sea anemone

35. Sea lanes are very important for trade by sea.

36. Anthozoans include coral, sea fans, sea pansies and sea anemones. The sea anemones have a cylindrical, stout, muscular body while the sea fans and coral have a thin, slightly muscular body

37. Sea Point.

38. Some banks are risk Averse (= do not like taking a risk).

39. We also categorized participants by severity of kidney disease (low risk, moderately increased risk, high risk, and very high risk) using the combination of eGFR and albuminuria levels.

40. Typical Benthic invertebrates include sea anemones, sponges, corals, sea stars, sea urchins, worms, bivalves, crabs, and many more

41. Aggregation of market and credit risk into the summary risk indicator

42. Red Sea

43. @RISK (pronounced “At risk”) is an add-in to Microsoft Excel that lets you analyze risk using Monte Carlo simulation

44. Sea Butterfly

45. Others risk factors

46. Instructions for Burial at sea Preparation for Burial at sea

47. Horizon purple, mid-sea blue, shore-sea green, lastly golden.

48. Hedge funds share many of the same types of risk as other investment classes, including liquidity risk and manager risk.

49. Healthcare risk management Located in Columbia, SC, Antum Risk provides a variety of risk management services to the healthcare industry

50. The starfish along with sea urchins and relatives including feather stars, brittle stars, basket stars, sea daisies, sea lilies, and sea cucumbers make up the Phylum Echinodermata.

51. She's a risk.

52. You risk all.

53. Our mutual risk?

54. It's high-risk.

55. These Crutches reduce the risk of falling and the risk of injury

56. Let's shift to a different kind of sea, the cyber sea.

57. Diagram - Risk Assessment Model for Decision-Making Impact: Risk Management Actions Likelihood:

58. One such subdivision of the Mediterranean Sea is the Aegean Sea.

59. Luke’s Sea Voyage

60. Karimata Strait, Java Sea and Arafura Sea were formed as the sea level rose at the end of the Pleistocene.

61. R is a composite of the risk free rate and the risk premium.

62. Open windows receive the sea breeze rolling off the glistening sea.

63. The point at which credit risk becomes exchange-rate/redenomination risk is ambiguous.

64. Vega risk charges and delta risk charges shall be aggregated by simple summation.

65. Into the Sea!

66. Sea Basing is one of three warfighting concepts, or pillars, basic to the the Navy’s capstone concept Sea Power 21 (the others are Sea Strike and Sea Shield)

67. Its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is much larger towards the South China Sea and Celebes Sea than to the Sulu Sea.

68. Risk participation in bankers’ acceptances and risk participation in financial letters of credit.

69. Derivatives can be used to acquire risk, rather than to hedge against risk.

70. Chart A3 Cost at Risk Results 66% 62% 57% Absolute Cost at Risk

71. Attributable risk Epidemiology Any factor which ↑ the risk of suffering a particular condition

72. What does Aggregate Risk "and what is meant by an aggregation of risk?

73. Việt Nam Sea;.

74. The Sea Dragon!

75. Avoidance — a risk management technique whereby risk of loss is prevented in its entirety by not engaging in activities that present the risk

76. General credit risk adjustments

77. I accept the risk.

78. What ' s the risk ?

79. You risk too much.

80. Others risk factors include :