Use "sea hare" in a sentence

1. Two straight-chain C15 fish Antifeedants have been isolated from the sea hare Aplysia brasiliana

2. Cytotoxic cyplasin of the sea hare, Aplysia punctata, cDNA cloning and expression of bioreactive recombinants

3. For example, 990 pounds [450 kg] of acorn worm and 5,300 pounds [2,400 kg] of sponge yielded only 35 millionths of an ounce [1 mg] each of an anticancer substance, 3,500 pounds [1,600 kg] of sea hare produced 350 millionths of an ounce [10 mg] of a peptide used for treating melanoma, and 1,900 pounds [847 kg] of moray eel liver were needed to isolate just 12 millionths of an ounce [0.35 mg] of ciguatoxin for study.