Use "scrutinized" in a sentence

1. He scrutinized the document closely.

2. The protein's chemical hardiness is also scrutinized.

3. His every utterance will be scrutinized.

4. The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws .

5. The American Prospect scrutinized a report that Aired …

6. Sherman got out and immediately scrutinized the right rear fender.

7. Not all models have been scrutinized under present techniques.

8. As a restored Christian community, the remnant scrutinized themselves.

9. Both planets have been scrutinized more Comprehensively by probes than Earth

10. Together we scrutinized the twelve lemon cakes from the delicatessen shop.

11. The Committee is of the opinion that exceptions should be carefully scrutinized

12. He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.

13. Synonyms for Assayed include tried, attempted, endeavoured, endeavored, essayed, scrutinised, scrutinized, sought, strove and strived

14. The golf Backswing is one of the most scrutinized aspects of any golfer’s technique, and for good reason

15. Auditioning is a horrible experience because you know you are being absolutely scrutinized and judged

16. 12 Gradually the communities adopted a standardized form of budget, which was carefully scrutinized by the intendant.

17. No photo expert for either side has scrutinized the 30 snapshots, which Flammer is shopping to tabloids.

18. Taking his magnifying glass from a desk drawer, he fell upon the plans and scrutinized each one intently without speaking.

19. 15 In particular he scrutinized every report of an alleged matriarchy, where women were said to hold political power.

20. 26 In a liberal democracy this needs to be scrutinized constantly, and herein lies the first problem for the researcher.

21. 7 As the cut tresses lay scattered on the floor by the chair, Heather scrutinized the effect in the mirror.

22. — -- What happened during the 2012 Benghazi attack is the most scrutinized, most politically explosive “13 Hours” in recent history, and now …

23. The Tests themselves have been carefully scrutinized for balance and consistency to ensure they are reliable time and time again.

24. In a liberal democracy this needs to be scrutinized constantly, and herein lies the first problem for the researcher.

25. At Androgynous Fox, we believe one shouldn't be forced to categorize themselves, or be scrutinized for shopping in the "wrong" section.

26. One Systern now being scrutinized is absolutely essential for the proper wiring up of neurons in the brain of the developing fetus.

27. I remember how my friends with stay-at-home mothers-a rarity in the modest neighborhood where I grew up-felt scrutinized and pressured.

28. While water clarity has been scrutinized and routinely measured for more than five decades, the Blueness of the lake has never been quantified scientifically, until recently.

29. Bloodwarm is a collection that explores what it’s like to live in a Black body that is constantly scrutinized and dissected beneath the white gaze

30. If RCMP recruits should be scrutinized more carefully for other forms of visual performance this does not undermine the RCMP’s uncorrected visual acuity standard.

31. The second question is whether Buckwash "expanded the scope of the private search" conducted by Hipple when he imaged and scrutinized Crist's entire hard drive

32. Amid all the fuss over President Obama’s “ransom” payment to Iran to free US hostages, less scrutinized is the president’s justification for Airlifting cash to Tehran: that we owed them

33. The use of Batons by police has been heavily scrutinized, starting first with the use of the instrument during the Civil Rights era in the 1960’s and of course the Rodney King Case.

34. Second, current definitions of the label Benefactive will be scrutinized, since this notion is split in a number of languages and the terminology proposed here is empirically more appropriate in

35. Researchers have long assumed that Astrocytes' primary function is to provide nutrients and support for the brain's more closely scrutinized nerve cells; over the years, however, increasing evidence has shown that Astrocytes can also actively promote …

36. "[Anthills Of The Savannah] has wonderful satiric moments and resounds with big African laughter." --The New York Review Of Books "Achebe moves effortlessly creating a flurry of perspectives from which his story's dramatic and disturbing events are scrutinized

37. The Eighteenth Brumaire is one of the only places in all of Marx’s writings where he scrutinized and evaluated the class forces at play in real historical social movements.This is a surprising statement, but most of what Marx wrote was as an analysis and explanation of capitalism

38. There were no significant sex-related differences. Various combinations regarding the mechanism of lethal opiate intoxication of drug addicts were scrutinized, concentrating on three approaches: the lack of opiate tolerance after periods of abstinence, the synergistic effect of simultaneously taking other CNS-depressant drugs, and differences in concentration in the heroin used.

39. Leisurely turning round, they calmly scrutinized the various Countenances around them, as though demanding some one person who would take upon himself the responsibility of what they deemed excessive impertinence; but as no one responded to the challenge, the friends turned again to the front of the theatre, and affected to busy themselves with