Use "scratched" in a sentence

1. You scratched it.

2. they scratched it to disguise.

3. You scratched my record

4. 14 He scratched his grizzled poll.

5. The table had been badly scratched.

6. The car's paintwork has been scratched.

7. Tommy scratched his head thoughtfully.

8. Hannah scratched her head thoughtfully.

9. He scratched his head and looked thoughtful.

10. The car's paintwork is badly scratched.

11. The horse had to be scratched .

12. The knife has scratched the table.

13. I scratched him where he itched.

14. He often scratched and bit actors.

15. The varnish had been deliberately scratched.

16. Tissue regenerates after skin is scratched.

17. His pen scratched away on the paper.

18. My poor chairs are scratched enough already.

19. 20 He scratched his head in perplexity.

20. The sharp nib scratched through the paper.

21. He's scratched his hand on a nail.

22. The last page, something's been scratched out.

23. The dog scratched itself behind the ear.

24. Winston reached down and cautiously scratched his varicose ulcer.

25. She scratched at the insect bites on her arm.

26. She had scratched because of a knee injury.

27. I'd scratched my leg and it was bleeding.

28. The message was freshly scratched in the earth.

29. She scratched herself badly while pruning the roses.

30. I scratched my arm on a rose bush.

31. The thrift president scratched his head at the numbers.

32. Causing abrasion: scratched the stovetop with an Abrasive cleanser

33. Scratched into this desiccated earth is an environmental warning.

34. He disengaged and scratched the back of his neck.

35. We haven't even scratched the surface of the benefits.

36. He scratched his head. 'I don't understand,' he said.

37. They scratched lines in the dirt to mark out a pitch.

38. Also are new scope sprites with realistic scratched and dirty lenses.

39. She scratched her name on the floor with her fingernails.

40. He stroked his beard and then scratched irritably through it.

41. Back is scratched to pieces - " oh you Bonny!"

42. Isabel scratched her left palm with her right forefinger, anxious.

43. Even the railroads seem only scratched in with a penknife.

44. She scratched delicately, not to say intimately, with her forefinger.

45. Bay rum, he wrote, then scratched it out with a chuckle.

46. I scratched away a little of the paint with my fingernail.

47. The Anchovies can be easily scratched up so be very careful

48. We've learned so much, but we've only just scratched the surface.

49. 21 The end of the upper branches scratched the surface like phonograph needles.

50. The day after, I came back and they were already scratched.

51. I think we have only just scratched the surface of Amazonia.

52. They scratched the horse from the race because she had become lame.

53. It is a brittle material that cannot be scratched with a knife.

54. 18 Some graffiti had been scratched on the back of the door.

55. The outer sole is little scratched in use, thus being excellent in abrasion resistance.

56. Apply slurry of Cerium oxide with a Felt Polishing Wheel to restore scratched

57. A lesser dog would have yapped Bafflement, fruitlessly scratched upwards from hind legs

58. 20 He pulled on a battered old crash helmet with a scratched visor.

59. I've only had the car a week and the paintwork is scratched already.

60. He drew his hand away, quite unobtrusively, he thought, and scratched his nose.

61. The world champion scratched from the 800m after falling ill three hours earlier.

62. "i have 2 reddish purple Blotches on my leg after i had scratched there

63. Curators had noticed that one word throughout had been scratched out and overwritten.

64. The radio crackled for a few minutes, and Lonsdale's pensil scratched out the decrypt.

65. But then she scratched me between the ears and I started purring despite myself.

66. A method of repairing scratched and/or abraded transparent substrates and the repaired substrates

67. The workers were not scratched or bitten and have not been placed under quarantine.

68. There was also a badly scratched veneered cabinet which had once housed a gramophone.

69. What I've seen is a suppurating wound that you've scratched and mutilated into a gangrenous state.

70. 19 He quickly put the paper back in his pocket and scratched his face.

71. Synonyms for Abraded include scraped, chafed, rasped, scratched, eroded, rubbed, grazed, wore, worn and frayed

72. The farmer stood back and scratched under his turban, assessing the damage to my vehicle.

73. She scratched the knife along the zipper of my jeans and threw the blade again.

74. Some one had scratched the eyes out of an otter on the litter campaign poster.

75. Synonyms for Coarsened include roughened, harshened, toughened, abraded, hardened, indurated, roughed, scratched, seasoned and stiffened

76. Most of the people having Ailurophobia are scared to get bitten or scratched by cats

77. One player was treated for a fractured facial bone, a scratched cornea, and a gash.

78. Looking at the present, the doctor slowly scratched hishis throat and blew his nose irresolutely.

79. All of the cases for used Accordions are old, scratched, and have tears on the corners

80. I both cried and laughed along with my principal characters, and often despondently scratched my head.