Use "scourging" in a sentence

1. Crucifixion was often preceded by scourging or whipping

2. The Journal of the American Medical Association describes the Roman practice of scourging:

3. The scourging is prevented, however, when Paul makes it known that he is a Roman citizen.

4. 23 All the build up of delight shrivelled and stripped Jay to lonely self-scourging.

5. The latest in meaningless self-scourging progressive fashion statements is the “land Acknowledgment,” in which a board meeting, or a speech, or a …

6. So without further ado, he ordered that Paul ‘be examined under scourging, that he might know why they were shouting against Paul.’

7. Can you imagine the pain they must have felt while being confined in stocks for hours with their backs raw and bleeding from the scourging?

8. Other articles where Crucifixion is discussed: Crucifixion: Crucifixion of Jesus: The account of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion in the Gospels begins with his scourging

9. A Crusader overfull with Wrath is a dangerous adversary indeed: blessed with iron skin; swathed in scourging flames; blasting foes apart with bolts of radiant light, and springing back to life after defeat.

10. A Crusader overfull with Wrath is a dangerous adversary indeed: blessed with iron skin; swathed in scourging flames; blasting foes apart with bolts of radiant light, and springing back to life after defeat.

11. Saint Ronan's Well “Aweel, Aweel, neighbour,” said Laurence, when the mess was taken away, “if ye have done ony thing to bring yoursell to the withy, or the scourging post, it is your ain wilful deed.” The Fortunes of Nigel "Aweel! Aweel!"the man said, in his slow northern fashion