Use "scintillation" in a sentence

1. Scintillation and electro-optic crystals

2. Scientific measuring instruments, namely, liquid scintillation counters

3. Ooh, perhaps it's a Heliosheath scintillation.

4. Space-Time Acoustic Scintillation Revolutionizes Measurement of Water Properties

5. But it is only possible with a scintillation camera.

6. Simply transfer unfiltered samples e.g. 5 ml size to scintillation vials.

7. Plastic scintillator, and scintillation detector and medical diagnostic imaging equipment using same

8. Particle counters and Scintillation counters are most commonly used for these measurements.

9. Geiger-Müller counters and scintillation counters are used as energy-detectors.

10. Theγ-quanta falling into this angle are registered by a scintillation counter.

11. The 10 μl aliquot should be delivered directly into the scintillation fluid.

12. The determination of90Sr was accomplished via its daughter90Y following removal of89Y by liquid scintillation.

13. Liquid scintillation counting allows a more accurate assay of plasma59Fe activity than conventional gamma counting.

14. Furthermore, radiation dose is a major concern necessitating high detection efficiency of the scintillation layer.

15. In 1957, he invented the scintillation camera, known also as the gamma camera or Anger camera.

16. Transformation rate of lymphocytes in microcultures was measured following 3H-Thymidin uptake in a Liquid-Scintillation-Counter.

17. A measuring set up will be shown for measuring the autocorrelation function of the scintillation signal.

18. Total tissue Ca was measured by a spectrofluorometric method and45Ca by means of liquid scintillation counting.

19. The resulting image on the scintillation screen (9) is captured by the CCD camera (14) and digitised.

20. This method measures, by scintillation counting, the 14CO2 derived from die bacterial metabolism of a 14C-labeled substrate.

21. The most intense natural scintillation events occur during night-time hours within # ° of the Earth's magnetic equator

22. Dermal absorption was assessed in vitro using Bronaugh flow-through diffusion cells and Liquid Scintillation Counting.

23. The most intense natural scintillation events occur during night-time hours within 20° of the Earth’s magnetic equator.

24. The amount of radioactivity in the specimens was measured in a Packard Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer.

25. In particular, the feature can be formed by abrading a surface of the scintillation crystal with an abrasive material.

26. And then I borrowed some high-tech stuff from my university: a Geiger counter, a scintillation counter, a mass spectrometer, microscopes.

27. The alpha decays are detected in a scintillation chamber of 1340 cm3 effective volume and 2600 cm2 sensitive inner surface.

28. In another embodiment, the sensor includes a scintillation counter that measures alpha or beta particles and provides an energy spectrum.

29. The Buster K910G Density Meter uses a low intensity gamma radiation emitter and scintillation detector to quickly scan vehicles or residences for hidden contraband

30. The Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter (ASFM) is a patented device that helps hydroelectric plants take more accurate measurements of the water flow in turbines.

31. An arrangement of scintillation counters has been constructed to detect Antineutrons in the momentum range 2 GeV/ c to 4 GeV/ c

32. Specific radio-nuclides can be identified and measured using liquid scintillation or alpha, beta and gamma radiation spectroscopy, following appropriate separation chemistry, as required.

33. Anthracene, a tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon found in coal tar and used as a starting material for the manufacture of dyestuffs and in scintillation counters

34. Compared to xenon, argon is cheaper and has a distinct scintillation time profile, which allows the separation of electronic recoils from nuclear recoils.

35. A neutron moisture meter using a scintillation detector for slow neutrons was previously calibrated in materials carefully selected to avoid inaccuracies resulting from neutron absorption.

36. Designed for tough flow measurement such as hydro-electric turbine discharge in low-head, short-intake power plants, the method is known as space-time acoustic scintillation.

37. Entries with "Aliquoted" photosynthetron: …Marine Phytoplankton, PLOS ONE: "Spiked samples were mixed gently but thoroughly, Aliquoted into 20 ml glass scintillation vials and placed into the…

38. Acoustic Scintillation Technology One of the most exciting uses of this technology is that it improves the efficiency of hydroelectric energy production by measuring water flow into turbine intakes.

39. ASFM technology is based on acoustic scintillation drift, a technique that measures flow in a turbulent medium by analyzing variations in ultrasonic sound impulses sent through the medium.

40. To measure velocity, which was used to separate Antiprotons from negative pions, the researchers deployed a combination of scintillation counters and a pair of Cherenkov detectors

41. Fisheries and Oceans / ASL Environmental Sciences Limited Development of an acoustic scintillation drift technique for application to water flows Any successful transfer of technology requires perseverance, resourcefulness and patience.

42. In the 1980's, the Sydney, B.C., company worked with Canadian and U.S. government scientists to develop acoustic scintillation technology for ocean applications, some of it with National Research Council (NRC) support.

43. ASL Environmental Sciences Inc. has been involved with acoustic scintillation technology for over 15 years, but it was only recently that it saw a commercial opportunity for a brand new product for the hydroelectric industry.

44. Closing the Commercialization Gap ASL Environmental Services of Sidney, British Columbia, used a repayable IRAP-TPC contribution to test and evaluate the new acoustic scintillation flow meter it had developped for measuring turbine discharge at hydroelectric facilities.

45. Known as the Acoustical Scintillation Technique, the method exploits the way in which sound pulses transmitted from one point and measured at other points are modified by such natural phenomena as currents and turbulence in the water.

46. • Dr. David Farmer of the Institute of Ocean Sciences teamed-up with David Lemon of ASL Environmental Services Inc. to win for the successful technological transfer and commercialization of a space-time acoustic scintillation technique for the measurement of waterflow.

47. The «scintillation effect» occuring in photo-electric nucleus counters is explained as follows: After an adiabatic expansion a radial temperature distribution is formed in the fog-tube to which corresponds an opposite radial distribution of the refraction index of air.

48. The results are applied to such phenomena as RAINBOWS, mirages, scintillation, wind sounds and echoes, and to the use of light and sound in remote sensing, as in laser or acoustic RADAR, cloud photography and the sonic anemometer-thermometer.

49. In Q/V band the atmospheric attenuations are changing quicker than in lower bands (up to 3 dB/s) and the scintillation caused by gas density changes are in the region of 1 Hz with amplitudes of up to 2 dB.

50. • Dr. David Farmer of DFO`s Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sydney B.C., who teamed-up with David Lemon of ASL Environmental Sciences Ltd. Sydney B.C. to win for the successful technological transfer and commercialization of a space-time acoustic scintillation technique for the measurement of water flow.

51. There are many synonyms of Calentures which include Ardor, Brio, Dash, Drive, Eagerness, Energy, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Exhilaration, Fervency, Fervor, Force, Ginger, Gusto, Heartiness, Heat, Impetuosity, Intensity, Life, Light, Liveliness, Luster, Passion, Pep, Radiance, Scintillation, Snap, Sparkle, Spirit, Splendor, Starch, Verve, Vim, Virtuosity, Vivacity, Zeal, Zing, Zip, Punch, élan, Red Heat, White …