Use "schistose" in a sentence

1. Andalusite definition, an orthorhombic form of aluminum silicate, Al2SiO5, found in schistose rocks

2. Sams Creek Metabasalt - Altered basaltic flows, some Amygdaloidal; green, schistose, containing hornblende, epidote, chlorite, and quartz

3. Garnetiferous schist, quartz-mica schist, Calcareous schist, schistose marble, hornblende bearing quartz mica schist and micaceous marble

4. In the schistose thermal aureole, almandine porphyroblasts decrease in size and abundance away from the contact.

5. Amphibolite is a grouping of rocks composed mainly of amphibole and plagioclase feldspar, with little or no quartz.It is typically dark-colored and dense, with a weakly foliated or schistose (flaky) structure

6. ‘This rock is a dark gray schistose rock containing radiating aggregates of Cummingtonite and occasionally pyrrhotite.’ ‘The two minerals can have similar distinctive brown colors and are hard to differentiate from each other, although Cummingtonite is typically darker and slightly denser.’

7. ‘This rock is a dark gray schistose rock containing radiating aggregates of Cummingtonite and occasionally pyrrhotite.’ ‘The two minerals can have similar distinctive brown colors and are hard to differentiate from each other, although Cummingtonite is typically darker and slightly denser.’