Use "scheelite" in a sentence

1. 18 Tungsten occurs as scheelite stringer, dispersion mierograined scheelite and absorbed ions.

2. Scheelite usually occurs in tin-bearing veins; and is sometimes found in association with gold.

3. Colorless, synthetic scheelite is used to imitate diamond, but can be distinguished by its Birefraction

4. Scheelite has been synthesized using the Czochralski process; the material produced may be used to imitate diamond, as a scintillator, or as a solid-state lasing medium.

5. Tourmalinites composed of tourmaline, quartz, plagioclase, ± almandine-rich garnet, ± muscovite, ± biotite, and minor ilmenite, rutile, graphite,- ± pyrite and, rarely, scheelite are of pre- to synmetamorphic origin.