Use "scatological" in a sentence

1. Coprolalia definition, the obsessive use of scatological language

2. In addition, we will not allow extremely graphically violent or scatological materials.

3. 1391 Introduction to the Astrolabe There is a tale, both apocryphal and scatological, that Claudius Ptolemy, the Alexandrian astronomer (ca

4. Austen's early fiction is outrageous, inventive, Bumptiously irreverent, and even (as she herself might say) inelegant; most of Gillray's visual satires are all that and more, bloody and violent, scabrous and scatological and even revolting

5. For instance, the Knight’s tale of courtly love, chivalry, and destiny riffs on romance, while the tales of working-class narrators are generally comedies filled with scatological language, sexual deviance, and slapstick.