Use "scarlet woman" in a sentence

1. The scarlet woman is perfect - leave her.

2. She was called a scarlet woman by the people.

3. Soliciting a scarlet woman in China can be a serious crime.

4. In the midst of my desires sits a scarlet woman pure.

5. He said he owuld not go to church with the scarlet woman.

6. In the midst of blood and fire sits a scarlet woman still.

7. In your mind I was a scarlet woman and could be nothing else.

8. 23 synonyms for Bawd: call girl, camp follower, courtesan, harlot, prostitute, scarlet woman, streetwalker

9. The Scarlet Woman, aglow with sensual indolence: red musk, Benzoin, caramel accord, golden honey, and spiced Moroccan unguents.