Use "scaphoid" in a sentence

1. A Bipartite scaphoid is a rare example of a divided carpus

2. Scapholunate dissociation without useful remnants of the ligament and reducible malalignment of the scaphoid.

3. The Carpals are often split into two rows, the proximal row containing the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform, moving lateral to medial

4. Carpals of the left hand: There are eight carpal bones in each wrist: scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate

5. The term nAvicular bone or hand nAvicular bone was formerly used for the scaphoid bone, one of the carpal bones of the wrist.

6. They also occur in the wrist, as one of the eight carpal bones at the base of the hand is also known as the scaphoid or nAvicular bone.

7. Huge carpal fragments such as the scaphoid and capitatum are ideally fixed by means of compression screws, while smaller fragments can only be aligned with Kirschner wires.

8. 27 Objective To introduce the treatment and its outcome of non union of carpal scaphoid fracture by transfer of the first metacarpal bone bar with fascial pedicle.