Use "scandal" in a sentence

1. Like a row of cascading dominoes, scandal followed scandal.

2. Countrywide’s Subprime Scandal

3. It was a big scandal.

4. His scandal stupefied his company.

5. The scandal broke in 19

6. He loved gossip and scandal.

7. Do hush up the scandal!

8. The officer brazened out the scandal.

9. Newspapers love to dig up scandal.

10. The subsequent scandal ruined Clark's health.

11. This scandal could topple the government.

12. Gallacher was the personification of scandal.

13. The scandal has cost Nicholson dearly.

14. I utterly abhor this scandal-mongering.

15. The scandal will soon blow over.

16. The scandal has stoked public outrage.

17. The scandal made her resignation inevitable.

18. This scandal may topple the government.

19. Caesar divorced Pompeia over the scandal.

20. The scandal titillated the whole country.

21. The press could scent a scandal.

22. The administration was tainted with scandal.

23. The scandal may bring down the government.

24. Deflecting scandal and hiding from the press.

25. 23 The headlines are blaring the scandal.

26. The Watergate scandal was released by journalists.

27. His sexy scandal was quickly spread about.

28. But the scandal has cost Gilbey dearly.

29. The scandal ended his meteoric political career .

30. She's always trying to stir up scandal.

31. The Prince emerged unscathed from the scandal.

32. Dieter is deposed after the ensuing scandal.

33. I'm Fleet Scribbler, from The Daily Scandal.

34. 5 Fleet Street loves a good scandal.

35. Scandal is tearing the government apart.

36. His reputation was tainted by the scandal.

37. 21 The MP enmeshed in a scandal.

38. 13 They are buzzing about the scandal.

39. 12 They are buzzing over the scandal.

40. This scandal could bring down the government.

41. The scandal left his reputation in ruins.

42. Senior officials were implicated in the scandal.

43. 25 The scandal branded him for life.

44. This is nothing short of a scandal.

45. Some magazines contain nothing but scandal and gossip.

46. The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal.

47. We must avoid a scandal at all costs .

48. The scandal entailed on the government indelible disgrace.

49. A political scandal has recently come to light.

50. The scandal will not detract from her fame.

51. Michael’s scandal a humbling experience for Basilian Fathers

52. The scandal Culminated in Henry's resignation from TVNZ

53. No mention of the accounting scandal in 2011.

54. A local TV station even covered the 'scandal'.

55. The government was relatively unscathed by the scandal.

56. Nixon's name has become synonymous with political scandal.

57. 22 The MP was enmeshed in a scandal.

58. The arms scandal had fatally weakened the partnership.

59. The scandal sent tremors through the political establishment.

60. That man will nose out a scandal anywhere.

61. He fell in public esteem following the scandal.

62. Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.

63. The sex scandal is titillating the American public.

64. Cuomo staying carefully Choreographed, avoiding scandal questions Cuomo Crisis

65. Clouseau was his insurance policy against such a scandal.

66. When the scandal broke, the Congressman's constituents were seething.

67. The scandal was an acute embarrassment for the President.

68. He becomes an innocent dupe in a political scandal.

69. Scandal and gossip are meat and drink to him.

70. The fallout from the scandal cost him his job.

71. 5 The room was abuzz over the latest scandal.

72. The government is trying to cover up the scandal.

73. This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.

74. The scandal put the President in an untenable position .

75. Interest in the scandal seems to be tapering off.

76. After the scandal, she was blackballed from the party.

77. The politician thought the scandal was completely under wraps.

78. Preachers Who Don't Believe - The Scandal of Apostate Pastors

79. The scandal has taken a new twist this week.

80. She emerged from the scandal with her reputation intact.