Use "scalawags" in a sentence

1. Alexander White, a white congressman from Alabama, describes the role that “Carpetbaggers” and “scalawags” played in Reconstruction politics

2. Both the scalawags and the Carpetbaggers were resented by many Southerners and became the targets of the Ku Klux Klan.

3. Carpetbaggers and Scalawags "Carpetbagger" and "scalawag" were derogatory terms used to deride white Republicans from the North or southern-born radicals during Reconstruction.

4. New Republican governments came to power based on a coalition of Freedmen together with Carpetbaggers (new arrivals from the North), and Scalawags (native white Southerners).

5. For the most part, it was the Carpetbaggers who were the dominant factor in the Deep South, where the black vote would have outnumbered the white, while the scalawags were influential in the Upper South