Use "scab" in a sentence

1. 6 synonyms for Blackleg: scab, strikebreaker, rat, fink, scab, rat

2. 7 He is a scab on the play, a scab speaking prose.

3. 11 Stop sicking at that scab.

4. 1 The cut began to scab.

5. 3 The blood scab has stiffened.

6. 2 A scab formed on his leg.

7. 12 The scab has sloughed off.

8. He that is a blab is a scab.

9. Finally they burst , leaving sores which tend to scab .

10. 5 He wanted to scab me, but I refused.

11. Adhesive Bandages help protect a wound and scab from

12. Cauterized areas will form a scab after your surgery.

13. 4 The mill was started up with scab labor.

14. Cucurbit scab symptoms appear on leaves and fruit

15. Crabapples are prone to a fungal infection called apple scab

16. Progression of Cucurbit scab symptoms on summer squash fruit.

17. 10 He that is a blab is a scab.

18. 13 If uncovered the wound will a scab faster.

19. 19 Preliminary Study on the Control of Pear Scab with Lukangning.

20. Internal, Accusatory dialogues are commonplace The beleaguered ex-Chancellor has been firing off Accusatory letters to Tory editors for months They began pointing at the faces ducking behind the windows, and unleashed a taunt, both Accusatory and ferocious: "Scab! Scab! Scab!"

21. 9 I prised off a scab and gave it the tongue test.

22. You'll occasionally rip up your hands and generally scab various body parts.

23. 20 When you cut yourself , blood clots and forms a scab.

24. 28 The results provided a reasonable basis for classified management of wheat scab.

25. 6 Do stop picking at that scab or the cut will never heal.

26. 8 Then came low commodity prices, scab disease, excessive moisture and crop-robbing hailstorms.

27. 16 Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

28. Small Cuts and scrapes will form a scab and heal within a few days

29. ‘Amling’ is a type I tree, and we have very few type I scab resistant cultivars

30. 29 China is the richest country at germplasm resources of resistance to wheat scab in the world.

31. 25 This is a positive procedure, and when the healing has taken place the scab drops away.

32. 21 One of her big toes had an old sticker of scab on it behind the nail.

33. One of her big toes had an old sticker of scab on it behind the nail.

34. 18 Con clu sions Tournique scab excission is an ideal method of operation in burn shock stage.

35. Blackleg (countable and uncountable, plural Blacklegs) A person who takes the place of striking workers; a scab

36. 23 Cuts and grazes on the skin should be covered with a waterproof dressing until a scab forms.

37. Zocdoc › Answers › Does the scab of a Cauterized nosebleed have to be scraped or can it be left alone? Question

38. This kind of Clot looks like a clump of dried blood and some people call it a scab.

39. Once the specials were in control, ‘scab’ workers from a new Arbitrationist union began loading and unloading ships

40. And after injury, blood vessels actually have to grow under the scab in order to heal a wound.

41. 24 Until the healing process is well advanced, the body forms a scab over the wound to protect it.

42. Generally you are down to ‘Amling’, ‘Gafford’, and maybe ‘Creek’ if you want a type I scab-resistant pollinizer

43. Recently, with change of crop rotation and climate, wheat Scab was extended and aggravated among the areas in China.

44. Spray apples and pears, as soon as their buds break, with a combined insecticide and fungicide to control scab.

45. Apple scab is caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis.It infects Crabapples and apples (Malus spp.), mountain ash (Sorbus spp.), pear (Pyrus communis) and Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster spp.).The apple scab fungus has several host-specific strains that can cause disease on one type of plant but not any other.

46. 25 Spray apples and pears, as soon as their buds break, with a combined insecticide and fungicide to control scab.

47. 26 I excused myself and had all but swallowed a Band-Aid with a well-cooked scab nestled in its cushion pad.

48. 22 Spray apples and pears, as soon as their buds break, with a combined insecticide and fungicide to control scab.

49. The rash consists of Blisters that typically scab over in 7 to 10 days and fully clears up within 2 to 4 weeks.

50. 17 Wheat scab is a serious disease in the South of China, especially in the mid lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

51. The inheritance of resistance to scab seems to be governed by the additive genes in the main, but non-additive genes also exert a significant influence.

52. 5 out of 5 stars (726) $ 22.00 FREE shipping Add to Favorites UA Ironworkers Boilermakers PIPEFITTERS Afl Cio Union Forever Scab Hunter Rat Union …

53. 8 The disease since erythema of polymorphous and oozy sex is urgent, see more at young, with erosion scab of haemorrhage, blood is its feature.

54. When you get a cut, the blood flowing from the wound will Coagulate: it will start to clot and form a solid scab so you will stop bleeding

55. 27 If a man harassed by illness one after another, such as sore, scab, inner heat and spermatorrhea etc. , we are sure that his life will be very painful.

56. Scar, scab or deformity due to mechanical injuries (hail damage, bruising, abrasion, etc.), viral or bacterial diseases, or physiological causes, affecting in aggregate an area of more than 6 mm in diameter.

57. Leviticus 21:20 (RHE) If he be Crookbacked; or blear eyed; or have a pearl in his eye, or a continual scab, or a dry scurf in his body, or a rupture

58. The creases of your pup’s skin can also cause irritation leading to Crusty scabs, and the most common areas for this kind of scab are the belly and upper legs.

59. 30 The disease resistance of 72 varieties (or lines) of wheat to wheat scab in Qinghai existing agricultural production has been identified by field plot experiment at present for two years.

60. The Amling is the highest recommended pecan tree by for home growing and is a cultivar from Alabama. One of its most attractive qualities is the scab resistance and excellent kernel quality

61. 15 In order to solve the surface chemical scab phenomenon of the high manganese steel casting, the method that replacing quartz sand with magnesium olivine sand was put forward in this paper.

62. We use the term “currently” because the pecan scab fungus is constantly adapting to resistant Cultivars, and many once resistant Cultivars have become susceptible, so we cannot guarantee resistance will remain this high.

63. Descriptive Statement Grade OECD Nos. 404, 405 Draize Test Effect: erythema and eschar formation (where erythema means "abnormal redness of the skin due to capillary congestion (as in inflammation)" and eschar means "a scab formed especially after a burn") no erythema

64. Squamous cell Carcinoma also appears in areas most exposed to the sun and, as indicated in the pictures below, often presents itself as a scab or sore that doesn’t heal, a volcano-like growth with a rim and crater in the middle or simply as a crusty patch of skin that is a bit inflamed and red and doesn’t go away over time.