Use "sayings" in a sentence

1. Affectionate Sayings and Quotes

2. These sayings are useless!

3. Bettering Yourself Sayings and Quotes

4. bWho can deny his sayings?

5. Companionship Sayings and Quotes

6. Belated Birthday Card Messages and Sayings

7. Your sayings of truth are enduring.

8. Precious Sayings to Be Cherished

9. Thank you for your Condolences sayings

10. It was one of my mother's favourite sayings.

11. Now, you may not believe in ancient sayings.

12. The sayings of Confucius offer guidance on this matter.

13. The Bible also contains wise sayings to help families.

14. Browse the best friendship Captions and sayings to …

15. Apothegma: One of several terms describing short, pithy sayings

16. 19 The sayings of Confucius offer guidance on this matter.

17. Thus she cared much about the liege opinions and sayings.

18. + Also, he tells me: “These are the true sayings of God.”

19. A HUGE collection of proverbs, proverbial sayings, clichés, maxims, Adages, aphorisms, platitudes, mottos, old saws, inanities, common sayings, or whatever you want to call them

20. (Ephesians 5:3) Thus, they “wreck” their flocks with their false sayings.

21. 15 Jesus’ sayings and superlative example promote a giving spirit.

22. There are several sayings in Thomas, unlike the sayings in the Gospels and the canon, that are not eschatological,they very much point to the present.

23. 8 The sayings quoted in earlier paragraphs are also from the Bible.

24. [Mary] kept all these sayings in her heart. —Luke 2:51.

25. The Bible book of Proverbs is an excellent source of wise sayings.

26. Sayings attributed to him are often seen carefully painted on public walls.

27. We know who are holding faithfully to the sayings of everlasting life.

28. 15 These golden sayings by Academician Song Jian clearly describe the truth.

29. “Pleasant sayings are . . . sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones.”

30. Again, says the account, Mary “carefully kept all these sayings in her heart.”

31. “Pleasant sayings are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones.”

32. At Proverbs 7:1, 2, what is included in “my sayings” and “my commandments”?

33. Thousands of Cliches, sayings, idioms, and figures of speech categorized and fully searchable

34. Your English teacher might advise you to avoid Cliched sayings in your essays

35. Moore, for instance, treasures a collection of sayings Penny Scaggs had written for her in calligraphy.

36. Then we read: “Mary began to preserve all these sayings, drawing conclusions in her heart.”

37. Confucius, to whom most of the sayings in the Analects are ascribed, was a …

38. I get so sick of your little sayings, and things you point out, acting all wise.

39. That is a well-known saying in Estonia, and there are similar sayings in other lands.

40. As its sententious style indicates, it was probably taken from a collection of wise sayings.

41. The Analects (Lun Yü), a collection of Confucius’ sayings, considered the main source of Confucian thought

42. And after these sayings there was silence in the land for the space of many hours;

43. * 1999 , (w), Weaver's Wisdom , glossary entry for ‘Yogaswami’, page 289: Four great sayings Capsulize his …

44. These “Busier than a” sayings can be overused, or maybe you have never heard of them before

45. Below are some funny Belated birthday messages, sayings and quotes that you can write in your card

46. Emotes are pre-generated macro sayings and actions that just require the proper code (text/name) to activate.

47. “DO BRING your heart to discipline and your ear to the sayings of knowledge,” states Proverbs 23:12.

48. 6 Often using clear, short phrases, Jesus uttered sayings that were simple but rich in meaning.

49. Browse the best friendship Captions and sayings to add to your photos and create custom gifts too.

50. The Beatitudes aren’t just a list of nice sayings—their truth transforms us from the inside out

51. She was discovering that there was truth in one of showbusiness's most hackneyed old sayings: Fame costs.

52. A collection of 35 Creative and Catchy Cricket slogans, taglines, straplines, Catchlines, motto’s, signatures and sayings

53. An Old Testament book that contains many parables, sayings, and poems, some of which were written by Solomon.

54. The Annexationist agitation, or, The sayings and doings of the Public Notoriety Club, as witnessed by a Canadian spectator

55. “Pleasant sayings,” the Bible assures us, are “sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones.”

56. They may also share distinctive ways of communicating, such as a repertoire of sayings and in- jokes.

57. (The phrase “these sayings” in 3 Nephi 29:1 refers to the writings of the Book of Mormon.)

58. This psalm refers to God’s word, law, reminders, ways, orders, regulations, commandments, judicial decisions, sayings, and statutes.

59. 24 Moore, for instance, treasures a collection of sayings Penny Scaggs had written for her in calligraphy.

60. Banalities are sayings that almost everyone uses, and because they're so well-known, they've lost all their power

61. Gateway to English helps you enrich your vocabulary, learn new expressions and find translations for tricky French sayings.

62. Such “pleasant sayings” are “a healing to the bones,” says Proverbs 16:24. —1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14.

63. May you find great value in these inspirational Bowlines Quotes from my large datebase of inspiring quotes and sayings

64. Aphorisms THOUGHTS SAYINGS QUOTES The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.

65. Actually, Papias’ exposition of the Lord’s oracles, or sayings, was an attempt to stem the tide of Gnosticism.

66. One little anthology in 1950 of wise, witty and tender sayings from the female companions of the great.

67. Most of them belong undoubtedly to the time after these sententious or enigmatic sayings had been written down.

68. That iswhy, in this booklet, I have only gathered sayings of scholars as translated and published bySufis themselves, so Brawlis cannot

69. 15 Known for his quirky sayings,[] Kahn taught his pupils always to ask the building what it wanted to be.

70. So as “to guard [ourselves] against the woman stranger, against the foreigner who has made her own sayings smooth.”

71. From: How to solve Conundrums, containing all the leading Conundrums of the day, amusing riddles, curious catches, and witty sayings

72. Need a better saying than As Is Custumal? Idioms for As Is Custumal (idioms and sayings about As Is Custumal).

73. He Analects are a collection of Confucius's sayings brought together by his pupils shortly after his death in 497 BC

74. Confucius Says is a place to submit famous quotes and popular sayings about happiness, health, knowledge, luck, love, wisdom and more!

75. More important, you can read this Bible with confidence that it accurately transmits the very sayings of God in your language.

76. • Proverbs 17:27: “Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.”

77. Proverbs 16:24 says: “Pleasant sayings are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones.”

78. On this re-reading of "The Analects," I encountered some sayings that were already familiar to me: e.g.,

79. Between Blessings, sayings, toasts, and proverbs, the Irish clearly know a thing or two about catchy, humorous, encouraging, and wise statements

80. The vulgarism study of modern Chinese language is an unsubstantial tache in the history of researching common sayings of Chinese language.