Use "sarcasm" in a sentence

1. Hey, watch the sarcasm.

2. The sarcasm starts again!

3. His voice dripped sarcasm.

4. His comments were tinted with sarcasm.

5. His sarcasm hurt her feelings.

6. His book commingles sarcasm and sadness.

7. Her sarcasm touched his self-esteem.

8. He seemed untouched by her sarcasm.

9. Diogenes became known for his biting sarcasm.

10. He was totally flattened by her sarcasm.

11. Think I sense a hint of sarcasm there.

12. His tone was now dripping with sarcasm .

13. I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but I'll do it.

14. There was a tinge of sarcasm in his voice.

15. I don't think sarcasm is your metier, James.

16. Her sarcasm is a mask for her insecurity.

17. A hint of sarcasm crept into his voice.

18. Sarcasm would be an example of being Anticlimactic.

19. And to a jury, sarcasm plays as obstructive.

20. "Thanks," she said, with a touch of sarcasm.

21. 16 He was totally flattened by her sarcasm.

22. Want to try it again without the sarcasm?

23. Isn't this sarcasm, isn't the speaker being sarcastic?

24. 'I'm impressed,' said Greg, with thinly veiled sarcasm.

25. Insults, sarcasm, mockery, and harsh criticism can hurt deeply.

26. 17 I detected a touch of sarcasm in his remarks.

27. They resorted to sarcasm irony, invective and self - praise.

28. 'Of course,' she said, her voice heavy with sarcasm.

29. "Your skills amaze me," she said, with heavy sarcasm.

30. There was an edge of sarcasm in her voice.

31. A caution: Do not lace your words with sarcasm.

32. 'That will be useful,' she snapped with heavy sarcasm .

33. I detected a touch of sarcasm in his remarks.

34. He made the remark without a hint of sarcasm.

35. There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

36. And sarcasm is like a second language to me.

37. "How wonderful!" she said, without any trace of sarcasm.

38. There was a sting of sarcasm in his voice.

39. 19 There was an edge of sarcasm in her voice.

40. Threats, insults, sarcasm, and ridicule can be forms of bullying.

41. This sarcasm knocked the speaker's argument info a cocked hat.

42. Here, too, discretion should be exercised, especially in using sarcasm.

43. It's not reasonable to expect a child to understand sarcasm.

44. Modest language is free from gossip, taunts, ridicule, and sarcasm.

45. Susie found his sarcasm very hurtful, but she didn't reply.

46. Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice?

47. I don't think we need any comments from Mr Sarcasm here.

48. 10 synonyms for Acridity: acerbity, acidity, causticity, corrosiveness, mordacity, mordancy, sarcasm

49. That does it! I've had enough of your sarcasm. I'm leaving.

50. A meddlesome woman said in a voice dripping with sarcasm : " Very smart! "

51. He knew this was either merciless sarcasm or the most pig-headed Bigotry

52. The comic's tagline describes it as "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language".

53. When anyone else raises a question, Tyson responds with sarcasm or cryptic, useless answers.

54. But vicious words, bitter sarcasm, and abusive treatment have no place among God’s worshipers.

55. Perhaps not a single transcript of his testimony goes unmarked by sarcasm, impatience, or outburst.

56. She thought his parlor humor and penchant for sarcasm showed a certain degree of immaturity.

57. Smart Ass Comebacks A smart can be described as one who regularly uses sarcasm to annoy others

58. In her fits of lacerating sarcasm(, I feel my hands twitch with the impulse toward strangulation.

59. I laugh appreciatively at his sarcasm, and I never flinch, outwardly at least, at his slams.

60. With biting sarcasm, he said: “O how much help you have been to one without power!”

61. The Burlesquing of idols and idolatry always afforded a ready mark for the sarcasm of the prophets

62. "You have been working hard, " he said with heavy sarcasm, as he looked at the empty page.

63. True, on occasion Job and the apostle Paul used what some might view as sarcasm to express righteous indignation.

64. A TREATISE ON PARENTS AND CHILDREN GEORGE BERNARD SHAW The Principal by turns tried severity, cajoling, and sarcasm

65. Was 'catawamptiously Chawed up;' in his arguments were not only met, but his sarcasm returned upon himself with great effect.

66. Admittedly, we all sin with our tongue, especially in the environment of sarcasm and backbiting that prevails around us.

67. Interestingly, the English word “sarcasm” is derived from a Greek verb that literally means “to tear flesh like dogs.”

68. A lot of that sarcasm is just bravado, and if I can put up with his teasing, can't you?

69. By now most of the other girls found me extremely odd, but they were easily cowed by my outbursts of sarcasm.

70. Favorite Add to More colors so Apparently i'm dramatic shirt - sarcastic shirt - sarcasm shirt - dramatic shirt - tumblr tshirt - aesthetic clothing - funny

71. Ivy, who lives in Canada, relates: “I grew up in an environment where sarcasm, screaming, and name-calling were the norm.”

72. Humor is a kind of language which is full of understatement and wisdom, sarcasm and jocularity, revealing the unreasonable in life.

73. The instant she noted the change from sarcasm to Belligerence 262 in Leslie Cairns tones, she became ready to speak and act

74. Lesser lawyers who were vague in oral argument faced a barrage of sarcasm or, if he agreed with them, constant Chiding to do better.

75. Brabblingly Rifle season is also fitted a new boiler central heating with solar? Sacred silence and respect? Export before the cross examination? 2542072312 Avoid it as sarcasm

76. (Proverbs 12:18; 18:21) Harsh words, disparaging remarks, and biting sarcasm have no place among Christians, who are sensitive to the feelings of other people.

77. Banter The magnificent art of using word play, opinions, exaggeration, irony, sarcasm, and other comedic themes to (playfully) humiliate, make fun of, and laugh at your friends

78. Brainchild of Vernique Esther, Authentically Wed is a blog focused on "The art of Relationshipping." Using gifs, sarcasm, Biblical insight, and her own personal experience

79. Burton's odd turns and quirks of expression, his whimsical and Affectate fancies, his kindly sarcasm, his far-fetched conceits, his deep-lying pathos, descended by inheritance of genius to

80. He said the character became interesting to perform because of "his sarcasm, and then his frustration, and then his apoplexy, and so he became a wide spectrum of emotions".