Use "saqqara" in a sentence

1. The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis.

2. Nyuserre is the only Fifth Dynasty king absent from the Saqqara Tablet.

3. In particular, there is one seal from Saqqara, which shows Merneith's name in a serekh.

4. Khendjer had a small pyramid built for himself in Saqqara and it is therefore likely that his capital was in Memphis.

5. However, he erected a step pyramid at Saqqara and left behind a well known rock inscription at Wadi Maghareh (Sinai Peninsula).

6. The cartouche No. 15 in the Kinglist of Saqqara writes two vertical strokes between the water line and the beating arm.

7. Khendjer is known primarily from his pyramid complex excavated by G. Jequier at Saqqara which was perhaps completed as a pyramidion was found.

8. At Saqqara two terracotta figures of the goddess Bastet were found, on which, at their bases, the horus name of Khufu is incised.

9. Sahure chose to construct his pyramid complex in Abusir, thereby abandoning both Saqqara and Giza, which had been the royal necropolises up to that time.

10. As a result, the monument appears today as a 3 m (9.8 ft) high heap of mud and limestone chips in the sands of Saqqara.

11. Items from the great mastaba (Nr 3503, 16 x 42 m) in Saqqara, where her name has been found in inscriptions on stone vessels, jars, as well as seal impressions.

12. Athletics events were depicted in the Ancient Egyptian tombs in Saqqara, with illustrations of running at the Heb Sed festival and high jumping appearing in tombs from as early as of 2250 BC

13. Saqqara... situated on the west bank of the Nile River, 20 miles south of Cairo, this archaeological site is one of the oldest and largest burial grounds in all of Egypt.

14. The names of some of these estates have been found inscribed on the walls of tombs in Saqqara or in Nyuserre's mortuary temple, such as "The track of Ini" and "The offerings of Ini".

15. Located on the Nile River, Cairo is the center of history and culture, so some of the well-visited tourist attractions concerning its past are The Egyptian Museum, the Giza Pyramids and Saqqara Pyramid Complex.

16. In 1999/2000, excavation work at her Saqqara funerary temple uncovered several stone blocks inscribed with a previously unknown royal title for her: " King's Wife of the Pyramid of Pepy I, King's Wife of the Pyramid of Merenre, King's Mother of the Pyramid of Pepy II."