Use "sandinista" in a sentence

1. Its objective was to overthrow the Sandinista government.

2. The assassination of Chamorro's husband sparked the Sandinista Revolution.

3. Among their notable albums are The Clash, London Calling, Sandinista!, and Combat Rock

4. Sandinista!, an album by The Clash, features songs about The Contras in Nicaragua

5. November 23: The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) begins to support anti-Sandinista Contras.

6. Member of a counterrevolutionary force that sought to overthrow Nicaragua's left - wing Sandinista government.

7. Blanco remembers the dead Sandinista guerrilla fighters and the faith in the cause for Nicaragua.

8. Contra, member of a counterrevolutionary force that sought to overthrow Nicaragua’s left-wing Sandinista government

9. The flight from the countryside has compounded the misery of the urban poor, traditionally the bedrock of Sandinista support.

10. A: Strengthening the courts and providing a solution for former soldiers, both from the Sandinista Army and the counterinsurgency.

11. Sandino's political legacy was claimed by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), which finally overthrew the Somoza government in 1979.

12. IN 1979 Daniel Ortega led a socialist revolution against a notorious military dictator, going on to rule Nicaragua as head of the Sandinista movement until 19

13. Nicaragua: il potere perseguita i cattolici ma Blandisce i neocatecumenali In Nicaragua vige il regime del Presidente Daniel Ortega e di sua moglie Rosario Murillo, del partito sandinista (socialista democratico, nazionalista e antimperialista), che guidò la rivoluzione per abbattere il precedente regime dittatoriale di Anastasio Somoza