Use "sanctity" in a sentence

1. Temples have an air of sanctity.

2. One concerns the sanctity of tradition.

3. You should respect the sanctity of marriage.

4. Thoughtfulness is the beginning of great sanctity.

5. We should respect the sanctity of marriage.

6. Numerous miracles were proof of his sanctity.

7. She gives us a living example of sanctity.

8. She carried the odour of sanctity about her.

9. I believe in the sanctity of human life.

10. Can taste the sanctity and wonder of love!

11. I will not violate the sanctity of that union!

12. I accuse you of destroying the sanctity of marriage.

13. On the other hand, Affidavits have no particular sanctity in law …

14. Sanctity of Battle no longer reduces the cooldown of Exorcism.

15. Their outlook on the sanctity of marriage is usually stricter.

16. I believe firmly in the sanctity of human life-all human life.

17. High ecclesiastics were men of authority as well as of sanctity.

18. Etymology: de - + - secrate (as in Consecrate) to violate the sanctity of

19. People talk about the great sanctity of the sovereignty of Parliament.

20. Monolithic notions of sanctity reveal a startling reliance on hierarchical thinking.

21. Bandstands, Bandwidth, and Business Communication: Technology and the Sanctity of Writing

22. These serious consequences impressed on all Israelites the sanctity of human life.

23. As the church gained power and wealth, apostolic poverty and sanctity disappeared.

24. The sanctity of traditional ownership and lineage are hoisted like clannish flags.

25. Father Mapple enjoyed such a wide reputation for sincerity and sanctity, that

26. This man who believed in the sanctity of life, its life, not hers.

27. And one is there to preserve the dignity and sanctity of the Mall.

28. Our respect for the sanctity of blood has been publicly ridiculed and challenged.

29. Bordy skewers everything we know about Silicon Valley success and the sanctity of marriage.

30. It is an issue for anyone who cares for the sanctity of human life.

31. These have come to be known as the Brigandine of Justice, Sanctity, Freedom, Glory, and Ego

32. The argument based on the sanctity of life is essentially a matter of religious dogma.

33. Those opposed to embryonic stem cell research believe in the absolute sanctity of the human embryo.

34. The sanctity of special times was an idea absent from the minds of the first Christians. . . .

35. You leave this, the sanctity of your house, and you could be hit on the street.

36. Rememberedand distorted, turning it into a place of monsters and murder, of terror instead of sanctity.

37. Burglary laws are intended to protect the sanctity and privacy of people’s homes and other structures

38. The major pollutants threatening the sanctity of our water resources are industrial effluents , sewage and farm wastes .

39. Complete sexual abstinence before marriage and total fidelity within marriage protect the sanctity of this sacred channel.

40. The sanctity of marriage should not be transgressed, and adulterers stand the risk of being stoned ... and viceversa.

41. They re-affirmed the sanctity of the family, and the rights of parents and children in the home.

42. The sanctity of special times was an idea absent from the minds of the first Christians.”—(1910), Vol.

43. He was a Confucian and believed in the worship of spirits and the sanctity of the ancestral land.

44. If Republicans are Aiming for the heart, for compassion, the last thing they should do is abandon the sanctity of life

45. The hearth, which stands for the sanctity of the home, is an apt object to confess her sad fate to.

46. He observed that all Governors can become catalytic agents for change in society, while upholding the sanctity of the Constitution.

47. 28 Convictions concerning the uniqueness or sanctity of human life, whether based on intuition, logic, or divine revelation, proscribe war.

48. For she had learned how difficult it was to uphold the sanctity of human life without alienating women in trouble.

49. As almost everyone except himself perfectly understood, these fasts were a ruthless exploitation of the power of his own sanctity.

50. What she experienced in her abusive marriage eventually forced her to re-examine Scripture concerning the sanctity of marriage and personhood.

51. He spoke on every subject, from Shakespeare to Reconstruction, but his most popular subjects were agnosticism and the sanctity and refuge of the family.

52. The failure to recognize the sanctity of marriage is the great Blot on the system of Confucius as a scheme of morals

53. 3 Jehovah first disclosed the intimate connection between life and blood, as well as their sanctity, or sacredness, shortly after Cain murdered Abel.

54. Cripple 1; Cripple 2; Cripple 3; Cripple 4; Cripple 5; Cripple 6; the artist; sanctity of human life; redefining marriage; religeous liberty vs

55. Pope Francis Canonizes Two 19th-Century Palestinian Nuns as Saints Pope declares sanctity of four 19th-century nuns, including two Arabic speakers from …

56. At first the Aediles were two officials of the plebeians, created at the same time as the tribunes (494 bc), whose sanctity they shared.

57. These two cases well illustrate that Jehovah does not abandon those who show that they are firmly determined to uphold the sanctity of life.

58. For example, those who abstain from smoking, who live moral lives, and who respect the sanctity of blood avoid falling victim to certain diseases.

59. Shaivas may not necessarily believe in the Vedas, but they do in the sanctity and authority of the Agamas. The word "agama" means authoritative scripture.

60. Christians, from beggars to princes, believed passionately in the saving power of sacraments, which only the church could administer, and in the sanctity of the holy sepulchre.

61. Present participle of apostatise; Examples: “They underlined the freedom of opinion and belief and the sanctity of human blood and refused the approach of Apostatising …

62. Any public official showing no respect for the sanctity of abode may be punished by up to one year imprisonment (Chapter 230 of the Criminal Code).

63. 3 When the wicked religious leaders of Jesus’ day tried to trip him up with hard questions about divorce, he confirmed the sanctity of God’s original arrangement for marriage:

64. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1889 as a revival movement within Islam, emphasizing its essential teachings of peace, love, justice, and sanctity of life.

65. A Supreme Court case decided in 1941 showed how strict the law is in protecting the sanctity of marriage and how Concubinage is a violation of marital vows

66. (Acts 15:28, 29) Out of respect for the sanctity of life, godly people do not accept blood transfusions, even if others insist that such a procedure would be lifesaving.

67. It is evident from scripture that while opposed to the degraded and commercial uses to which the temple had been betrayed, Christ recognized and acknowledged the sanctity of the temple precincts.

68. The opportunity for a temple marriage in the three temples now established in Accra, Ghana; Aba, Nigeria; and Johannesburg, South Africa, is helping to instill a fresh hope in the sanctity of marriage.

69. Section # rticle V of the # onstitution states, “The Congress shall provide a system of securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad.”

70. The chief of their village, Hajino Nakamoto, recognized the sanctity of the statue and enshrined it by remodeling his own house into a small temple in Asakusa so that the villagers could worship Kannon.

71. This present menace comes from the government and its army of Bureaucratized, corporatized, militarized mercenaries who are waging war on the last stronghold left to us as a free people: the sanctity of our homes.

72. Section 2, Article V of the 1987 Constitution states, “The Congress shall provide a system of securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad.”

73. (Acts 15:6-15, 22-29; 16:4, 5) Likewise in modern times, the faithful slave through its Governing Body has clarified such important issues as Christian neutrality, the sanctity of blood, and the use of drugs and tobacco.

74. Pagan Emperor Julian the Apostate Bemoaned that Christianity's popularity spread primarily through its charitable works: "It is [the Christians'] philanthropy toward strangers, the care they take of the graves of the dead, and the affected sanctity with which they conduct …

75. ‘He was a Bulwark for life, he was a Bulwark for the sanctity of marriage.’ ‘If beer, wine and spirits sales are the foundation upon which many food service operations are built, that Bulwark is often under siege by employees running their own clandestine operations.’

76. ‘But the Connotations of the word in English are not completely absent from these images.’ ‘Some of their words seemed to carry Connotations that I was never able to recognize.’ ‘‘Sanctity’ is a word with a religious connotation; it means ‘holy or religiously sacred.’’

77. 1611, King James Bible, Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.· (Roman Catholicism) A title indicating the beatification of a person, thus allowing public veneration of those who have lived in sanctity or died as martyrs.· Held in veneration; revered

78. FIVE: Anglicans are traditionally linked by a heightened sense of liturgical order and corporate discipline that is undergirded by the intelligent and creative uses of Scripture, the invigorative observances of calendars (seasons, rites, ceremonies, psalmody and hymnody), and the preponderance of sanctity in the culture of worship.

79. Aedile, Latin Aedilis, plural Aediles, (from Latin aedes, “temple”), magistrate of ancient Rome who originally had charge of the temple and cult of Ceres. At first the Aediles were two officials of the plebeians, created at the same time as the tribunes (494 bc), whose sanctity they shared.

80. The act of Beatifying, or the state of being beatified; especially, in the Roman Catholic Church, the act or process of ascertaining and declaring that a deceased person is one of "the blessed," or has attained the second degree of sanctity, — usually a stage in the process of canonization