Use "samsara" in a sentence

1. Buddhists believe that death is a part of a cycle known as Samsara

2. Buddhists who believe in samsara, or rebirth, and the doctrine of Karma have a different perspective.

3. Buddhists believe in a cycle of life called samsara, and are reincarnate at death and thus, death restarts the cycle

4. Costa Cruises is well-known for its Italian ambience onboard, vibrant entertainment and Samsara Spa, one of the

5. Buddhism teachings state that the world is in a constant state of Samsara, meaning the continued repetition of birth and death

6. In 2015 Sanjit Biswas and John Bicket cofounded Samsara, a company that offers hardware and cloud-based software to collect and analyze data

7. In 2015 Sanjit Biswas and John Bicket cofounded Samsara, a company that offers hardware and cloud-based software to collect and analyze data

8. This paper discusses his criticism on emptiness, nature, samsara, ahimsa,(sentence dictionary) idol worship of Buddhism and analyses the reason and the meaning of the history phenomenon.

9. Specifically, evil means whatever harms or obstructs the causes for happiness in this life, a better rebirth, liberation from samsara, and the true and complete enlightenment of a buddha (samyaksambodhi).

10. The goal of Advaita is to guide a person to transcend all suffering and attain moksha, freedom from the transmigratory cyclical existence of samsara, by realising the identity of the Atman with Brahman

11. Arhats and Bodhisattvas are beyond samsara, but an Arhat is said to seek their own liberation resulting in an abiding nirvana, whereas Bodhisattvas seek to liberate all beings, resulting in a non-abiding nirvana

12. Idealized Bhikku Cyclas in Gear Set; Samsara in Gear Set; Idealized Bhikku Knotcap in Gear Set; Idealized Bhikku Gloves in Gear Set; Idealized Bhikku Poleyns in Gear Set; Idealized Bhikku Boots in Gear Set; Armor Set/iLevel 400-499

13. Aimlessness, an album by Dntel released on June 1, 2012; Aimlessness (Buddhism), or apraṇihita or uncommittedness or wishlessness (Sanskritapraṇihita अप्रणिहित), a form of "concentration" in some schools of Buddhist meditation Aimless wandering, refers to both samsara (the Buddhist cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) and a mindfulness practice of exploration without

14. The convictions that samsara is nirvana and that Atman is Brahman are two distinctive religious conclusions born of such insight.: Beyond the senses is the mind, beyond the mind, pure intellect, beyond the intellect, the great Atman, beyond the great Atman, the Unmanifest.: Whether they call it soul, spirit, Atman or Buddha nature, all the major religions say that men and women have the same