Use "salta" in a sentence

1. Confiture, Vaqueros, Salta, Argentina

2. She sings in a municipal choral and lives with her husband and three children in Salta, Argentina.

3. Fascist and conservative sectors of the army plotted openly for a regime change, as did Standard Oil of New Jersey, who opposed both the president's efforts to curb oil smuggling from Salta Province to Bolivia, as well as the existence of YPF itself.

4. Ceae ferrum, qua Baccillum inuersi teli ad occipitium per ingluuiem subit, puer in mollitiem decorus insur- git inque flexibus tortuosis eneruam et exossam salta- tionem explicat cum omnium qui aderamus admira- tione: diceres dei medici baculo, quod ramulis se- 15 miamputatis nodosum gerit, serpentem generosum lubricis amplexibus inhaerere.