Use "salinity" in a sentence

1. It has a salinity of approximately 1.2 percent, about a third the salinity of sea water.

2. You should test the salinity of the water.

3. Bulrushes are widespread, tolerating diverse salinity and temperatures

4. Since changes in salinity and temperature affect water's density.

5. Key words: osmotic adjustment, tissue culture, regulation, salinity, soya.

6. Barley is one of cereal crops with salinity tolerance.

7. Leaving corridors of deep-rooted woodland can prevent salinity.

8. Turbidity and salinity effects occur near the Fraser River plume.

9. Changing salinity threatens 2/3 of Vietnam’s fish from aquaculture.

10. Superabundance of salinity in the soil imperils the growth of the mass of plants, especially does more harm to croppers which have lower tolerance to salinity.

11. 6 Superabundance of salinity in the soil imperils the growth of the mass of plants, especially does more harm to croppers which have lower tolerance to salinity.

12. Bay Crabbing success usually declines after significant rainfall as salinity levels drop

13. In a marine ecosystem, Abiotic factors would include salinity and ocean currents

14. In a marine ecosystem, Abiotic factors would include salinity and ocean currents

15. As the water lost its salinity, the fish adapted to their new environment.

16. The maximum depth is 120 meters, and it has a salinity of 0.7%.

17. Brackish fish species have a higher tolerance for varying levels of water salinity

18. Because water density increases with salinity, swimmers float very high in the water.

19. The salinity has no effect on the syneresis of xanthan - chromium ( III ) gel system.

20. This paper deals with the habit salinity condition of the spiny lobster , Panulirus stimpsoni.

21. Salinity has reached 14 parts per thousand which represents a 40 percent increase since 19

22. In contrast, response to low temperature, salinity or ABA is higher in coleoptiles than in Coleorhizae

23. Some Archaea are extremophiles, living in environments with extremely high or low temperatures, or extreme salinity

24. Polarographic electrodes can be affected by changes in pH, salinity and ionic strength of the environment.

25. The solubilities of the gases generally decrease with increased water salinity and increase with pressure.

26. Increasing salinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores of invertebrate species.

27. Lake water is alkaline – pH ranging from 7.1 – 9.6 with total alkalinity matching the salinity.

28. Already installed are sensors for temperature, salinity, transmission, light, light attenuation, fluorescence, pressure and velocity.

29. However under the condition of high salinity and high water saturation the effect is little.

30. The water salinity values of Brackish tidal marshes change frequently due to the tidal influence

31. In contrast, response to low temperature, salinity or ABA is higher in coleoptiles than in Coleorhizae

32. Nuralagus rex entered what is now Menorca during the Messinian Salinity Crisis 5.3 million years ago.

33. The salinity of lake water is a sensitive monitor of climate in arid and semiarid region.

34. The adaptation time required for reaching the final level of resistance depends on temperature and salinity.

35. Many factors, including reactant concentrations, sunlight, pH, temperature and salinity influence the decomposition of Bromine in water

36. Substrate Soil texture, moisture-holding capacity, fertility, pH, salinity and contaminants will affect plant establishment and growth.

37. Changes in sea temperature or salinity can cause the algae to leave, causing white blotches to form.

38. Bleaching occurs in response to physiological shock in response to abrupt changes in temperature, salinity, and turbidity.

39. The evaporative enrichment only produces significant salinity increases in the shallow groundwater of the lower alluvial plains.

40. A copy of your soil erosion and/or salinity control plan will be required to issue payment.

41. In order to increase the salinity of the tank, rst a Brinicle was grown in fresh water

42. Its sodium-bicarbonate (-chloride) water (salinity 16 g/l) is remarkably low in earth alkalines and sulphate.

43. Whether it be in extreme heat, cold, salinity, radiation or acidity, it is certain that Archaebacteria will flourish

44. Tolerance and activity coefficients (1000/righting time (s)) were determined in different salinity treatments for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O.

45. Key words: smoltification, smolt criteria, salinity tolerance, ATPase activity, rearing temperatures, elevated thermal regimes, thermal effluent, Salmo salar

46. Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.

47. Brooded embryos of Capitella teleta also showed few post-metamorphic consequences (i.e., "latent effects," reviewed by Pechenik, 2006) of early exposure to either reduced salinity or hypoxia, and were, again, even more tolerant of hypoxic conditions than of salinity stress.

48. Low-salinity water exists adjacent to the alluvial fans and in SW reaches of the structurally enclosed channels.

49. Main gradients of diversity for species, communities and habitats (coastal to abyssal, equatorial to polar, substrate type, salinity).

50. Tobacco that tolerates salinity is a precautionary measure against the rising tides that a changing climate will bring.

51. Play media The term 'salinity' is, for oceanographers, usually associated with one of a set of specific measurement techniques.

52. The most traditional in its ingredients, Sixpoint’s gose rides heavily on its salinity, Brackishly refreshing like a beachside breeze

53. It tolerates salinity concentrations of 0–19 ppt and prefers water temperatures of 9–20 °C (48–68 °F).

54. A rise in soil salinity in coastal areas is also expected to damage buildings, as are increased storms and gales.

55. A Brackish aquarium is a mixture of fresh and salty water, a tank that creates a unique salinity distinctive from seawater

56. Most Brachiopods tolerate only normal marine salinity, but a few species, such as the ligulides, can live in brackish salinities.

57. Argo, the broad-scale global array of temperature/salinity profiling floats, is a major component of the ocean observing system

58. Moreover, the increase in salinity gives the impression of a more intensive advection of Atlantic water into the North Sea.

59. Brackish seas or waters have salinity in the range of 0.5 to 29 and metahaline seas from 36 to 40.

60. And land subsidence paired with increased salinity in the Mekong Delta, puts at risk the livelihood of 13.6 million rice farmers.

61. The Caspian Sea is the world's largest lake and contains brackish water with a salinity about one-third that of normal seawater.

62. Chlorides, sulfates, salinity, and dissolved minerals are all forms of “salts” that can harm fish and plant life at high concentrations

63. In contrast, correlation between salinity and alongshore wind stress was insignificant during fall and winter, but strong during spring and moderate during summer.

64. The Abiotic stress causes the loss of major crop plants worldwide and includes radiation, salinity, floods, drought, extremes in temperature, heavy metals, etc

65. Monitoring and predicting climate change requires comprehensive observations and an in-depth understanding of the way temperature and salinity changes affect the ocean.

66. Extending their analysis to soil chemistry and morphology, they discovered that biodiversity was negatively correlated with pH, salinity and sand grain size.

67. Specifically, Brackish water has a salinity level of 0.05-3%, anything lower than 0.05% is freshwater, and anything higher than 3% is saltwater

68. From the Cambridge English Corpus The infection process of mullets with these cercariae is discussed in relation to salinity conditions prevailing in a Brackish …

69. The ecosystems of the Aral Sea and the river deltas feeding into it have been nearly destroyed, not least because of the much higher salinity.

70. Because they live in lower salinity water, pet stores may call them fresh-water crabs, but they cannot survive indefinitely in fresh water.

71. The effects of some fundamental environmental parameters including Adsorbent concentration, pH, salinity and the presence of humic acid and surfactant on adsorption were studied

72.  · Rathinasabapathi B, Raman SB, Sigua C, Aly MAM (2002) β-Alanine betaine: Anitrogenous osmoprotectant implicated in plant tolerance to salinity and hypoxic stress

73. Over the salinity range which allows homeo-osmotic conditions (2 to 15‰), E. albidus does not exhibit a constant resistance level (at least not to heat).

74. And in parts of the Arabian Gulf, the seawater, the salinity is increasing steadily due to the discharge of waste brine from desalination plants.

75. Temperature and salinity can affect Antifouling paint performance, but in our own experience, most modern concoctions are meant to work in a variety of conditions

76. Early studies have shown that this Cyanobacterium is able to tolerate maximally 0.5 M NaCl (32, 41), a salinity (2.9%) lower than that of seawater (3.5%)

77. The microscopic observations of coleoptile and Coleorhizae cross sections revealed considerable variations viz., length of epidermal cells, surface area and width of the cells with increasing salinity

78. Interestingly, two BC2F9 sister Backcrossed inbred lines (BILs), which have been developed by marker-assisted backcrossing utilized the linked markers of Saltol to improve the salinity tolerance

79. Citation: Sunita K, Mishra I, Mishra J, Prakash J and Arora NK (2020) Secondary Metabolites From Halotolerant Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Ameliorating Salinity Stress in Plants

80. Fed with Fucus E. albidus tolerates a salinity of 60–70‰ on sand for more than 4 weeks, on filter paper only 50‰ for about one week.