Use "saline solution" in a sentence

1. Wash the lenses in saline solution.

2. The subject discussed the influencing factors of N80 steel in without CO_2 saline solution and the saturated CO_2 saline solution firstly.

3. The drug is suspended in a saline solution.

4. She has bags of saline solution for boobs.

5. Again he had injected a saline solution into the Doctor's blood vessels.

6. Irrigation of the wound with saline solution removed 85 % of the infection.

7. You can buy a prefilled container or make your own saline solution.

8. Other doctors were putting compresses of saline solution on the worst burns.

9. The 1 % solution is made by mixing 10 cccalcium gluconate 10 % with 100 cc sterile normal saline solution.

10. Objective To compare the therapeutic effects of Ringer solution, hypertonic saline solution and hypertonic mannitol solution in hemorrhagic shock patients in early treatment.

11. The 5% solution is made by mixing the calcium gluconate 10% with an equal part of sterile saline solution.

12. Some of these more commonly used are saline solution, Ringer’s lactate, dextran and Hespan.

13. A saline solution is handy as a useful eye-bath or anti-septic gargle.

14. The simplest is saline (salt) solution, which is both inexpensive and compatible with our blood.

15. Twenty-four men were then asked to sniff the movie tears or a saline solution.

16. Half of the mice were injected with GMCSF, the other with a placebo saline solution.

17. You buy saline solution, which you use every morning and night, one bottle at a time.

18. AIM To observe protective effect of hyperoxia balanced saline solution on reperfusion injury caused by bleeding shock.

19. Examples of such products now in use are dextran, Haemaccel, hydroxyethyl starch, Ringer’s lactate, and common saline solution.

20. It involves using a mild saline solution to flush out the thickened mucus and allergens causing your sinus congestion.

21. Saline alluvium

22. Antivenin also may be given intravenously in 10 to 50 mL of saline solution over a 15 minute period

23. Peloid saline alluvium

24. The sample is placed in the air-conditioned chamber so that the least possible amount of saline solution drips from it.

25. The sample is placed in the air-conditioned chamber so that the least possible amount of saline solution drips from it

26. When grafts are taken, your doctor may periodically inject small amounts of saline solution into the scalp to maintain proper skin strength.

27. Methods for treating open wounds, such as chronic refractory open wound, by administering an electrolyzed saline solution comprising hypochlorous acid are provided.

28. The polymyxin B sulphate is available as a freeze-dried powder freely soluble in saline solution in vial containing 500,000 units potency.

29. Coulter Counter an automated instrument for performing blood counts, based on the principle that cells are poor electrical conductors compared with saline solution

30. Each Coude intermittent catheter comes pre-packed in a sterile saline solution, with an easy to open foil container you can take anywhere

31. Using strict aseptic techniques, the contents of one 1-mL Ampul of Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates Solution for Irrigation should be added to a 1,000-mL container of isotonic saline solution.

32. Acid, alkaline or saline wastes

33. The concentration of alkaline-earth metal chlorides in the saline solution is selected so as to be near the saturation threshold under nominal conditions.

34. Adrenalectomy associated to local cerebral trauma caused considerable neuronal edema, greater in rats that drank saline solution than in rats that drank distilled water.

35. Place the cleaned Amnion in a one-gallon plastic container, cover with a 2 percent providone iodine-saline solution, and refrigerate for 24 hours

36. Baltimore-based Jhpiego-trained midwives routinely carry a satchel with essentials such as a blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, saline solution, intravenous tube and disinfectant.

37. Barbiturate The animals were sacrificed by an overdose of Barbiturates and per fused transcardially with a 4% paraformaldehyde solution following a rinse with normal saline

38. Saline water and prevention of Biodegradation

39. He is on a saline drip.

40. Prior to Antitoxinum vipericum administration, the manufacturer recommends an intracutaneous allergic test by injection of 0.1 mL of antivenom diluted 1:10 with normal saline solution

41. Scraping the cranium with a spatula or other blunt object and then wetting it with a sterile saline solution helps to identify the Bregma more readily

42. METHODS: The human spleen cells, obtained by the method of grinding, were divided into four groups and treated with saline solution or various concentrations of H2O2 respectively.

43. Most commonly in the medical field, Atomizers are used for spraying a fine mist into the nasal cavity. Saline solution is commonly used to clean out nasal passages.

44. Meanwhile, they injected one group of mice with endostatin, another with a different blood-vessel inhibitor called TNP-470 and a control group with an inert saline solution.

45. In the past three months, doctors have inserted silicone bags filled with saline solution to stretch the skin so it will cover her legs once they are cut apart.

46. Men who smelled tears produced by women who cried from watching a sad film had lower testosterone levels and less physiological arousal than men who smelled a saline solution.

47. Fluid losses should be replaced with normal saline.

48. The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.

49. Below the surface there is hard saline water.

50. The oocytes were fixed in Buffered formol saline at …

51. For V. cholerae, use physiological saline (0.85% NaCl) as diluent.

52. Method for the recovery of mineral acids from saline solutions

53. A plant adapted to saline conditions is called a halophyte.

54. The man with the bright eyes needed a saline drip.

55. Bauxite is a town in Saline County, Arkansas, United States

56. Connate water can be dense and saline compared with seawater.

57. This must be corrected first, using a normal saline infusion.

58. This shallow and very saline body of water is a remainder of a huge saline sea which covered a much larger area several thousand years ago.

59. Saline alluvium, in particular of minerals and/or mineral salts

60. Volume deficits should be restored by administration of normal saline.

61. As the 99Mo continuously decays to 99mTc, the 99mTc can be removed periodically (usually daily) by flushing a saline solution (0.15 M NaCl in water) through the alumina column: the more highly charged 99MoO42− is retained on the column, where it continues to undergo radioactive decay, while the medically useful radioisotope 99mTcO4− is eluted in the saline.

62. Water or saline is infused through the Cystoscope into the bladder

63. This must be corrected first[], using a normal saline infusion.

64. In the last three months,(sentencedict .com) doctors have inserted silicone bags filled with saline solution to stretch the skin so it will be able to cover her legs once they are cut apart.

65. The activation is described of saline slags from the processes of second smelting of aluminium through contact with acid, basic, or neutral aqueous solutions, separation of the aqueous solution and calcination at high temperatures.

66. Peloid saline alluvium, in particular of minerals and/or mineral salts

67. A case is presented in which during an attempt to perform amniography before injection of hypertonic saline solution for termination of mid trimester pregnancy, a fetal ventriculography resulted, with demonstration of the whole subarachnoidal space.

68. Hypertonic Saline Resuscitation : Efficacy May Require Early Treatment in Seerely Injured Patients.

69. The primary aim of this trial is to compare the effect of Acetated ringer's solution with that of saline for therapy on the incidence and development of major adverse renal events among septic shock patients

70. The Colposcopy procedure begins by wiping away cervical mucus with normal saline

71. And rather than the crisp, saline flavors of finos and manzanillas, Amontillados …

72. We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore.

73. Iv normal saline A case of spontaneous rupture of membrane At term

74. 4 We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore.

75. A-traumatic tooth extraction, the socket Curetted and rinsed with normal saline thoroughly

76. In a simple'salt pan " the segregation is expressed by the zonation of saline minerals.

77. Environmentalists claim the highly saline water discharged from desalination plants could harm marine life.

78. Beneath lies a mass of slightly warmer, more saline water some 600 m deep.

79. Results hypertonic saline challenge test was more sensitive than exercise challenge test ( P 0.01 ).

80. The water, which is part saline and part fresh, is referred to as Brackish