Use "running for president" in a sentence

1. There are two women at this debate running for president.

2. Candidates running for president often delude the voters with election promises.

3. Well, Ronald Reagan says he's gonna be running for president in'88.

4. The Republicans running for president now come to Arizona so they might live their dreams while we relive our nightmares.

5. In 2008, Barack Obama was running for president for the very first time, and we surveyed hundreds of Americans one month before the election.

6. Americans like answers in black and white, a cultural trait we confirmed last year when the biracial man running for President was routinely called "black".

7. Presidential candidate Howard Dean has Badmouthed the law almost since he started running for president, telling groups that he'll "dismantle" the law if elected

8. It wasn't until I began writing this account that I realized that in my confrontation with the NRA lobbyist, I had acknowledged that I was considering running for President.