Use "run through" in a sentence

1. Children can run through without pausing.

2. Let's run through the first scene again.

3. You can start to run these through.

4. Let the rainwater run through this pipe.

5. Miguel felt a tremor run through him.

6. Could we run that sequence through again?

7. Run him through for treason against his king.

8. I run through my modes in every key.

9. The same themes run through all her novels.

10. You think you could run this through IBIS?

11. Can we run through Scene 3 again, please?

12. The first run-through was a complete failure.

13. You think this is being run through Langley?

14. Then what's left is run through a pulverizer.

15. Could we run through Act 3 again, please ?

16. Could we run through your proposals once again?

17. She felt a tremor of fear run through her.

18. He felt a quiver of excitement run through him.

19. I felt a quiver of excitement run through me.

20. I understand you've run through the agent training program.

21. She felt a surge of excitement run through her.

22. Changes shape when you run a current through it.

23. Right, the current wants to run through the play- dough, not through that LED.

24. Right, the current wants to run through the play-dough, not through that LED.

25. 5 Run the strap through the strap eyelet as shown.

26. He felt a cold shiver of fear run through him.

27. Occurs every twenty seconds – shared with Swat and Run Through.

28. Once the pages are uploaded[sentencedict .com], the site is put through a final run-through.

29. Let's have one more run-through and then finish for today.

30. You look as though you've had a run through an abattoir.

31. The director wants to run through the whole play this morning.

32. I'll just run through these newspapers,and then we'll go out.

33. Run it through the separator and you're ready to use it.

34. As our fingers touched, I felt a shiver run through me

35. A forest of towering trees, run through by shafts of light.

36. We've got time for one more run-through before the concert.

37. There will be a run-through of the whole play tonight.

38. And I'd like to run through a few of these today.

39. The phone company used to run lines through here, but they...

40. Don't run away with and idea that you didn't think through.

41. Could we have a run-through of the main points discussed?

42. Sports Bettors place their wagers either legally, through a bookmaker/sportsbook, or illegally through privately run enterprises

43. Time and again, he made it run through the sequence with him.

44. The Almanacks run from March through February, reflecting the seventeenth-century calendar.

45. The next time I run the CNC program all the way through

46. Put the coffee in the filter and let the water run through.

47. The sound will run from it through this wire, onto the record.

48. Numerous rivers run through the South Cameroon Plateau, particularly in the southeast.

49. There will be a brief run-through the afternoon before the concert.

50. Swim through dedicated network grandly of content run, successive development is platform.

51. The Appointed Representative Program is run completely through the NAM National Office

52. Please run through these names again from the top of the list.

53. Several trails run through Comers Rock Campground, including Little Dry Run Trail, the extensive Iron Mountain Trail, and Unaka Nature Trail

54. The role of post - inlay oily sludge must be run through all stages.

55. Let your body truely go out with your spirit... run through your veins.

56. The mixture should be thin enough to run through a small kitchen funnel.

57. Perhaps locals will get A DNA match when they Run it through vicap?

58. 20 Run some clean water through and then you'll see its true color.

59. For hold and body, run mousse evenly through the hair and comb well.

60. In the last section, I went through a quick run-through of the reflection methods used to access generics information.

61. In general, a run through a directory looks something like the pseudocode in Listing

62. The many examples of young heroes run like a golden thread through the scriptures.

63. For the trip through Franconia Notch, I-93 and U.S. Route 3 run concurrently.

64. Those who float above all the shit, and those who run right through it.

65. 7 Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year.

66. I'm really struggling with this maths - could you run through it with me later?

67. Canonical was seeking to crowdfund a production run of around 40,000 units through Indiegogo.

68. There is no Scriptural indication that Mary had an actual sword run through her.

69. Elicitation Teaching is a kind of teaching thought, should run through entire teaching course.

70. There's a gap in the crowd and I dart through and run after them.

71. + 4 Then Saul said to his armor-bearer: “Draw your sword and run me through with it, so that these uncircumcised men+ may not come and run me through and deal ruthlessly* with me.”

72. Run, run, run, run away from my psychotic teammate!

73. Roadways that run through city centres, food refrigerators that destroyed the ecosystem of their homeworld.

74. It had now become a very frightening ride, and chills began to run through me.

75. I can't run a bulldozer through my life just because I want to bulldoze yours.

76. Once it's cooled a little, I should be able to run it through the scanner.

77. You can also use the static directory for Assets that should not run through webpack

78. Oh, there's a latent Fingerprint that's making its second run Through aphis as we speak.

79. Publicly run kindergartens, elementary schools (years 1 through 6), and Primary schools (7 through 9) are operated by local wards or municipal offices.

80. Distribution in the body trunk : The three yang meridians of hand run through the scapular part.