Use "rummaged" in a sentence

1. I opened the fridge and rummaged about.

2. He rummaged through the jumble of papers on his desk.

3. The customs official rummaged through the contents of his briefcase.

4. She rummaged around and found a teapot and a mug.

5. But how? Someone could have rummaged in my things and found the quatrain.

6. I tore some pages out of my notebook, then rummaged in my pocketbook for another pen.

7. Snickers rip pled in the room as she rummaged through the huge shoulder bag a purse.

8. Despite all those sweaty men who came, rummaged hopefully and yet failed to prise it over his nose.

9. They bit the brushes off brooms, dragged pots away, chewed and swallowed leather goods including shoes, bicycle seats, and sweaty hat bands, rummaged through garbage cans, and even killed several women working in fields.”