Use "rubbish" in a sentence

1. Oh, rubbish.

2. Rubbish.

3. Don't talk rubbish!

4. Don't talk rubbish.

5. Spouting that optimistic rubbish.

6. Codswallop definition, nonsense; rubbish

7. Rubbish bins, storage containers for rubbish bags and sacks in the form of boxes

8. "Rubbish!" he exclaimed in disgust.

9. Pigs scavenged among the rubbish.

10. We both know that's rubbish.

11. He writes smug, sanctimonious rubbish.

12. Don't allow in public rubbish.

13. " The Creature is dead! " Rubbish!

14. 'That's absolute rubbish!' he interjected.

15. A good riddance of bad rubbish.

16. That's a load of rubbish .

17. They throw rubbish into rivers , too.

18. he cupboard was full of rubbish.

19. There was rubbish strewn around everywhere.

20. Throw the rubbish in the bin.

21. We have swept off the rubbish.

22. That was rubbish about the hotel.

23. The streets were littered with rubbish.

24. 18 Have you emptied the rubbish?

25. 3 The streets were littered with rubbish.

26. I want this rubbish cleared away pronto!

27. The sewer was gorged with rubbish.

28. He writes smug,[sentencedict .com] sanctimonious rubbish.

29. Critics described the paintings as worthless rubbish.

30. He described her book as absolute rubbish.

31. Rubbish was piled everywhere - it was disgusting.

32. These reports are total and utter rubbish.

33. The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish.

34. That book is a load of rubbish.

35. 11 The pipes were clogged with rubbish.

36. His ideas are a load of rubbish.

37. He's clearing rubbish out of the attic.

38. The dustmen haven't collected the rubbish yet.

39. The sewage pipes were choked with rubbish.

40. Our job is to clear away the rubbish.

41. Otherwise, we'd be picking from the rubbish pile.

42. The fire probably started in a rubbish dump.

43. That pile of rubbish is a fire hazard .

44. 7 He's clearing rubbish out of the attic.

45. Ditto lavatory paper, soap, rubbish bags, shampoo etc.

46. 7 The street is alive with rubbish.

47. The drainpipe is choked up with rubbish.

48. All the pavements were awash with rubbish.

49. The most direct financial incentive to prevent rubbish is to charge people by the amount of rubbish they put out.

50. The rubbish has been blown down the pipe.

51. Homer should have been flogged for propagating rubbish.

52. What good does this useless rubbish do us?

53. What day do they collect the rubbish / garbage?

54. A dustpan is often used to pickup rubbish.

55. 2 The drainpipe is choked up with rubbish.

56. We've accumulated so much rubbish over the years.

57. The bin needs emptying; it's full of rubbish.

58. The garbage men came to clear away the rubbish.

59. Well I say, "Why do you think it's rubbish?"

60. People who talk about authentic costume are talking rubbish.

61. Recycling of rubbish costs money and requires special equipment.

62. I'm going to burn up all the rubbish/trash.

63. Getting rid of rubbish can cost $100 a ton.

64. 3 They dug a pit to bury the rubbish.

65. 8 Ditto lavatory paper, soap, rubbish bags, shampoo etc.

66. The streets were strewn with rubbish after the carnival.

67. Rubbish can be used as a sorbet of wastewater.

68. Definition, nonsense; rubbish: What they say is Blah

69. Probably because me dad says potions are rubbish.

70. Take the old furniture to the rubbish dump.

71. Theycall it rubbish to dissemble their real motives.

72. Many critics see the paintings as worthless rubbish.

73. The disposal of rubbish is always a problem.

74. Mrs Taylor and her ilk talk absolute rubbish.

75. To clear that rubbish away they may bulldoze.

76. 10 The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish.

77. Claudio thinks Sylvie was born in a rubbish bin.

78. 17 What day do they collect the rubbish / garbage?

79. Contemporary arbiters of taste dismissed his paintings as rubbish.

80. Some people just dump their rubbish in the river.