Use "rotting" in a sentence

1. You rotting bastard!

2. It's rotting your brain.

3. He is only rotting.

4. Mushrooms grew from the rotting tree trunks.

5. The poor were housed in rotting buildings.

6. Their rotting corpses heating our atmosphere.

7. Precious minerals mutated into rotting vegetation.

8. The stench of rotting meat made him gag.

9. We are rotting here because there's no fighting.

10. If that involves leaving her a rotting pulp...

11. The stench from rotting food is stomach-churning.

12. Ants scurried around the pile of rotting food.

13. I saw a rotting hulk on the beach.

14. These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell.

15. We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.

16. And people still wonder why there are boys rotting,

17. Frau Braun gestured at the layer of rotting food and filth.

18. A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.

19. The stink of rotting seaweed was strong along the seashore.

20. Then the pungent smell hit us?rotting fish and seaweed.

21. But unlike earthworms, which eat rotting vegetation, the caecilians are carnivores.

22. And he'd be rotting in some prison if he hadn't escaped.

23. Dragonfire incinerated Hugin the Plaguelord, and the rotting legions of Nurgle.

24. There is a loathsome smell of rotting flesh in the room.

25. They may also burrow under logs, rotting wood, rocks, and other natural debris.

26. Any prospective buyer will be turned off by the sight of rotting wood.

27. Something somewhere in here may be rotting; there is a faint smell.

28. The stench of rotting, wounded flesh is enough to make you vomit.

29. They are generally attracted to toddy , rotting fruits and other fermenting objects .

30. that he remove that rusting car and rotting sofa from his yard.

31. Rotting food, excrement, broken glass had to be painstakingly cleaned up later.

32. Everywhere, it was like an over-flowing septic tank or something rotting.

33. Small animals used her as a shelter, burrowing into her rotting bowels.

34. The Bristletail's diet includes leaf litter, rotting vegetation, and other decaying organic matter

35. This will help to prevent condensation, which may cause dampness, mildew, and rotting.

36. Ferns poured out of a window; scurvy grass lay rotting by the wail.

37. The new plant out new roots . The roots grew into the rotting tree.

38. The lagoon accumulates rotting seaweed, garbage and sediment, and sometimes discharge from several outfalls.

39. The Ziz is a dead, rotting Great Eagle given false life by a necromancer.

40. They are everyday dying and rotting by cold and famine, and filth and vermin.

41. If we don't unload it soon, the grain will start rotting in the silos.

42. They visit flowers , though some settle on damp ground , dung , toddy or rotting fruits .

43. The Leviathan is a dead , rotting Asp Turtle given false life by a necromancer.

44. • Lack of self-knowledge is like rotting away in the maze with the Blindfold on

45. Synonyms for Carious include rotten, decomposed, putrid, decayed, decaying, decomposing, festering, rank, rotting and foetid

46. The Panic Apostate gives unholy life and powers to the carcass of a rotting Dryad .

47. The cat knew every crumbling brick, every rotting piece of fencing, every dustbin-lined alleyway.

48. Some strains of bees prevent the spread of the disease by removing the rotting larvae.

49. It was nothing but the stench of dead(Sentencedict), rotting rats and of bats' dung.

50. Horticulturists have sprayed a particular chemical (Biophyte) to control the rotting of the areca nut

51. I admit, it is difficult to even think encased in this rotting piece of meat.

52. It is resistant to fire and water and free from corrosion, termite attack and rotting.

53. The slime they exude is obnoxious and slippery, and has the stench of rotting fish.

54. The Absorber’s anti-mold and mildew technology will prevent rotting and extend the life of the product

55. Banana trees dropped their rotting fruit, which lay one on top of the other, dying in layers.

56. Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.

57. In many cases historians trace it to the collapse of moral standards, a rotting from within.

58. We cleared tons and tons of stinking, rotting fish carcasses from the local fish processing plant.

59. And with the mines right below, well, the wood is rotting and the house is sinking.

60. The Absorber’s anti-mold and mildew technology will prevent rotting and extend the life of the product

61. Rotting garbage, and agricultural and human waste, all release methane gas—also called "landfill gas" or "biogas."

62. 22 Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.

63. Some rooting hormones have added fungicide, which reduces the risk of the cutting rotting before it roots.

64. This new voice persists: The bits and bobs will be down there all right, happily rotting away.

65. The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.

66. 28 It removes the cap of the cell containing a rotting larva, and it throws the larva away.

67. More recently, C. elegans has been found to thrive in other kinds of organic matter, particularly rotting fruit.

68. Most of my friends are locked up and rotting away'cause they poked the bear one too many times.

69. The Primarch's dead limbs were momentarily restored, all be it clad in a semblance of translucent rotting tissue.

70. Then might not the rotting stump of the tree split under their weight and they come to grief?

71. Rake out as much leaf debris and rotting vegetation as you can - a spring-lined garden rake will help.

72. The practice of making raised garden beds or mounds filled with rotting wood is also called hügelkultur in German.

73. I can still remember sort of that smell of rotting flesh as I pulled the curtain back to see her.

74. Notable among these is a species of luminous toadstools, some of which are found on rotting logs in Asian forests.

75. The occasional burst of singing wafts up through the yellow leaves, mixed with the mouldy astringent smell of rotting apples.

76. They are also pressure impregnated with wood preservative to give rich colour and guaranteed life of 15 years without rotting.

77. Species in the family, known from Eurasia and New Zealand, grow on the ground with rotting wood or plant debris.

78. Some tropical rivers are covered with floating vegetation, and so full of rotting leaves that they are black and turbid.

79. His fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn't spend money to pain it . He is penny wise and pound foolish.

80. Or trees had been felled by age or storms and their rotting trunks left to become covered with creepers and fungi.