Use "rostrum" in a sentence

1. Rostrum the anterior end of of Amphioxus

2. 6 He stalked up the rostrum.

3. Synonyms: Ambo; dais; podium; pulpit; rostrum; soapbox; stump

4. 10 Did a strip-tease on the rostrum.

5. 5 He climbed on to the winner's rostrum.

6. 17 Inside, there is a high rostrum for preaching.

7. 20 He warmly shook hands with those gathered around the rostrum.

8. 3 Amid warm applause the honoured guests mounted the rostrum.

9. If the shrimp's rostrum is broken off, it will regenerate.

10. 4 He was hooted down the rostrum by the students.

11. 18 He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum.

12. Proximal rim indented by the frontal suboral Avicularian rostrum

13. 23 His eyes ranged over the audience before he mounted the rostrum.

14. 28 Many had testified to Josephine Butler's impact on the rostrum.

15. 15 From the rostrum he thundered at them and shook his fists.

16. 1 From the rostrum he thundered at them and shook his fists.

17. In the skull, the rostrum (front part) is long and the braincase is low.

18. 21 He pushed his way through the crowd to the the front of rostrum.

19. 24 The good loser never makes it to the winner's rostrum of any worthwhile competition.

20. 19 Thousands of eyes are fixed on the Tian An Men rostrum.

21. Unlike nautiloids and ammonites, Belemnites had a very solid internal skeleton called a rostrum

22. Zhu Yuan Zhang ( King of Dynasty Ming ) joint rostrum resistance forces to the intifada.

23. 16 The odd Militant supporter appears at the conference rostrum and is easy to spot.

24. I still remember looking up at him from my seat next to the rostrum.

25. 22 It grasps its victim in its forelegs and pierce it with its rostrum.

26. 2 He was invited to sit on the rostrum as a representative of extramural instructors.

27. The kernel apex can take different shapes : smooth, horned, Cuspidate, rostrum-like or indented

28. During the first step, a Belemnite rostrum layer is composed of a filigree network of tetrahedral

29. 15 His head knocked on the steps of the rostrum as if asking to be let in.

30. Aracari Gall.) Rostrum capite longius, crassum, tenue, inane, cultratum, basi margine incrassato, maxillae angulo frontali obtuso.

31. 8 As he stood on the winner's rostrum, he sang the words of the national anthem.

32. 11 Sometimes on the rostrum I get a lump in the throat and my eyes well up.

33. 27 Hence the portentous, and even fatuous slogan which towered each year in brightest blue above the rostrum.

34. In the rostrum (snout), the cartilage can be spongy and flexible to absorb the power of impacts.

35. 12 He was promoted to the rostrum only because Ralf Schumacher was delayed by his penalty.

36. Sometimes on the rostrum I get a lump in the throat and my eyes well up.

37. ROSTRUM, in Chymiftry, fignifies theNofe, or Beak which conveys the Liquor diftill'd, into its Receiver; in the common Alembicks

38. It was an exultant feeling, climbing on to the rostrum, waving to the crowd and receiving my medal.

39. 7 You can go for a "rostrum" system, which sounds flash,[] but can be assembled quite cheaply.

40. 29 His equipment is a flat, white topped desk with an electronic rostrum camera mounted above it.

41. 25 It was an exultant feeling, climbing on to the rostrum, waving to the crowd and receiving my medal.

42. 14 Christie's auctioneer Colin Sheaf mounted his rostrum in front of a wall of 100 blue and white vases.

43. Christie's auctioneer Colin Sheaf mounted his rostrum in front of a wall of 100 blue and white vases.

44. 26 Hands were shaken, waved, and he advanced to the rostrum, as the final extravagances burst around him.

45. Where the rostrum now stands was a front-end loader moving dirt, and the dust in this building was thick.

46. 30 He was ill and lame - and as I am now he had great difficulty in getting to the rostrum.

47. 13 From the moment he took the rostrum, Gergiev had his musicians tensely perched on the edge of their seats.

48. Commonalities between Billfishes include a long bill, called a rostrum, which they use for cutting or stunning their prey, and long, narrow bodies

49. In both, there is a rostrum and the loss of maxillary teeth; these could have evolved independently in different lineages subjected to similar environmental constraints.

50. On an Appointed day Herod, having put on his royal apparel, took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them

51. See CORACOIDES.w ROSTRUM, in Chymiftry, fignifies the Nofe, or Beak which convey the Liquor itiil'd, into its Receiver; in the common Alembicks

52. Vicarious avicularia at colony margin in rows, elliptical, 440–460 μm long by 180–200 μm wide, symmetrical; rostrum spatulate, about half the Avicularian length, …

53. Maily deals in lobby indication plate, lobby lamp box, baggage trolley, liquor trolley, VIP room dining car, table plate, room service car, rostrum, umbrella stand, and others products for hotel use.

54. Avicularia adventitious, suboral, longer than wide, directed proximally, rostrum triangular, tip acute, distal calcified sheld extensive, crossbar calcified, curved; Avicularian chamber slightly raised above the frontal shield (Figures 18E–F).

55. Each Avicularium resembles the head of a bird complete with powerful musculature and a sharp beak-like structure (rostrum) that is used to seize the appendages of trespassing organisms

56. Ambo - a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it dais, podium, pulpit, rostrum, soapbox, stump platform - a raised horizontal surface; "the …

57. Buntline's 1876 thrust into political oratory having been viewed as less than a complete success, at least by the Republicans, Ned retired from the speaker's rostrum and returned to his writing

58. Os Belemnites (Belemnoidea) eram animais carnívoros que possuíam um corpo suave ao redor de uma concha interna (rostrum).Viviam na água e eram muito semelhantes as lulas atuais.

59. This Avicularium proportionally large (0.095– 0.137 mm long), extending from spiramen to peristome, orientated distally or slightly obliquely, straight or weakly curving, the rostrum acute, elongate-triangular, delimited by a pair of minute condyles; opesial portion of Avicularium smooth.

60. All extant cephalopods have a two-part Beak, or rostrum, situated in the buccal mass and surrounded by the muscular head appendages.The dorsal (upper) mandible fits into the ventral (lower) mandible and together they function in a scissor-like fashion

61. Avicularian apertures are large (0.21 mm long by 0.15 mm wide), parallel-sided or slightly spatulate, and tend to be oriented in a plane slightly tilted to the colony surface so that the distal end of the rounded rostrum is raised

62. 12 Draw near by a piece of table of rostrum, many 10 old person in ruddy health of year of close seventy years of age, a safflower was worn before the bosom each, they are old 3 teacher.

63. His recordings submitted to the International Music Council, Baghdad, Asian Pacific Music Rostrum and Iraq Broadcasting Agency by AIR New Delhi have been adjudged as the best and accorded the first position out of 77 entries received from the various countries during 1979.

64. Pav. exHand.-Mzt., which seems to have been mistaken for,T. cylleneum differs in its reddish to red pappus and the short, but abruptly constricted rostrum of the achenes and the almost incornuted leaflets of the involucrum, by which characteristic it is well distinguished fromT. primigeniumHand.-Mzt.

65. On the basis of the following characters it is concluded that ammonoids were incapable of swimming efficiently by jet-propulsion: (1) the retractor muscles were weakly developed; (2) the life position was unstable and highly variable; and (3) in animals with a ventral apertural rostrum the hyponome was probably absent.

66. Chaplinesque "old Frenchman in a black felt hat, a boiled shirt, a At War with Hemingway: The "Enthrallment" of Combat The impeccably dressed Donald Martin adopted a Charlie Chaplinesque approach to the rostrum where he told about the highs and lows of the immigrants passing through Ellis Island on their way to become American citizens.

67. Batfishes are small fishes (to 25 cm) that have a strongly flattened, somewhat disc-like, body; head pointed to rounded when viewed from above; a piston-like fishing rod apparatus on the snout in a cavity just above the mouth, a lumpy bait at the end of the rod; roof of the fishing-rod cavity juts out as a rostrum; gill openings small, behind upper base of pectoral fin; dorsal and anal fins

68. History and Etymology for Belemnite borrowed from New Latin belemnītēs "bullet-shaped fossilized rostrum of an extinct animal," from Greek bélemnon "missile, spear, arrow" (probably from bele-, full-grade base of the verb bállein "to throw, hit by throwing") + New Latin -ītēs -ite entry 1 — more at devil entry 1 Learn More about Belemnite

69. The anatomy of the belemnite is often confusing for how does a pointed shell house an animal, well as i have already mentioned Belemnites closets living relative is thought to be the cuttlefish, and just as they have a hard cuttle bone Belemnites had a guard though this was made from calcite in stead of aragonite, this bone is call the rostrum or guard and is the only part of a belemnite that