Use "root man square" in a sentence

1. Square root button is used to Calculate the square root of a number

2. Ambient noise root mean square (rms) detector

3. 2 The square root of 144 is

4. But if you just write a radical sign, you're actually referring to the positive square root, or the principal square root.

5. 30 The square root of 64 is ( and the cube root of 64 is

6. Which of the following is the value of the square root of the cube root.

7. The IMSQRT(string) returns the square root of a complex number

8. Now take the square root to see what Monique's soul costs.

9. The square root of two is Constructible as the hypotenuse of a square who side length is 1

10. So this actually increases at the square root of the zoom level.

11. " The square root of 17 times'X'to the 22nd power over the quotient of'Y'... "

12. And the radical sign doesn't just have to apply to a square root.

13. The domain and Codomain of the square root function is only nonnegative numbers

14. Anamorphosis operator which is similar to the logarithmic transform is the square-root operator.

15. Because we have 1 plus or minus the square root of 33 over 4.

16. Of thirty- two divided by the cube -- no, I'll just take the square root.

17. To show this, suppose that x is a square root of 1 modulo pp.

18. A masked man ran amok in the town square.

19. They all gathered as one man at the square.

20. 27 Therefore, taking the square root of this measure we get the correlation coefficient; i.e..

21. And let's take the square root of that and we get the velocity, 13. 7.

22. She uses the word " man root " 12 times in one chapter.

23. Fibre optic “magnetometers” having a ‘sensitivity’ lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

24. & amp; gt; & amp; gt; Now here's something we haven't seen in awhile, a square root sign.

25. So the positive square root is going to be the absolute value of x dot y.

26. Fibre optic "magnetometers" having a 'sensitivity' lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

27. Adding 5 or 7 increases the number, and the square root button will make it smaller.

28. The molar mass, polydispersity, root mean square radius of gyration, molecular conformation enjoyed rising as well.

29. 5. Fibre optic "magnetometers" having a 'sensitivity' lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

30. Sine of pi over 3, or sine of 60 degrees, is square root of 3 over 2.

31. 5. Fibre optic ‘magnetometers’ having a ‘sensitivity’ lower (better) than 1 nT (rms) per square root Hz;

32. Described is a method and devices to determine root-mean-square of a delta- sigma modulated signal.

33. The formula for Aquaplaning speed in Knots is 9 x square root of tyre pressure in PSI

34. Cardano noticed that Tartaglia's method sometimes required him to extract the square root of a negative number.

35. The root mean square error of all measurements on comparison with well established adiabatic calorimetry is±0.8%.

36. So you would get the square root of four pi times the area is equal to r Circumference.

37. This measurement is the square root of the area the region consumes on your screen, measured in pixels.

38. like square root of two and pi, the infinity of irrationals is actually greater than the infinity of fractions.

39. We have that plus or minus because a square root could actually be a positive or a negative number.

40. “Burdock root is the thick, square root of a plant more technically known as Arcticum,” says Noah Rubinstein, DACM, LAc, clinical herbalist and chief clinic director of New York City’s

41. The formula for Aquaplaning speed in Miles per Hour is 10.4 x square root of tyre pressure in PSI

42. Can not you trust me to ensure a square deal and to ensure even justice between man and man?

43. So a division or square root took up to 143 cycles, or 28,600 microseconds—a rate of 35 per second.

44. You could multiple them out and try to figure out the square root, but it'll take you a long time.

45. 17 Three performance indicators were evaluated: the root mean square error, the mean absolute error and the Thiel inequality coefficient.

46. Andragogy refers to “man led” rather than pedagogy which has the root ped meaning “child”

47. ( Man ) The average human has an impressive two square metres of skin surface area.

48. Below is presented the method to Calculating the root-mean-square acceleration (G rms) response from a random vibration ASD curve.

49. ISO paper sizes are all based on a single aspect ratio of the square root of 2, or approximately 1:1.4142.


51. Change in these determinants changed at different rates: from a rapidly Asymptoting log function to a less rapidly Asymptoting square-root function

52. The experiment measured the viscosity, molar mass, polydispersity, root mean square radius of gyration, molecular conformation changes respectively in the different concentration.

53. It was brave of him square up to that big man who threatened to attack him.

54. The old man quit his nine-to-five and set up a Bookstand on the town square

55. He was a short, dry man, with a square, expressionless face, between forty and fifty years old.

56. Area is measured in square units such as square centimteres, square feet, square inches, etc.

57. 10 At the foot of the Piccadilly Line escalator at Leicester Square a drunk man squatted, singing hymns.

58. The lawyer was a tall, portly man with a snub nose, a square chin, and a short neck.

59. This corresponds to around a three times higher root mean square value of the roughness profile for the tread Braked wheel compared to the disc Braked …

60. My Aimless wandering eventually led me to a small square with a statue of a man on a horse

61. 11 The lawyer was a tall, portly man with a snub nose, a square chin, and a short neck.

62. A system and method for regulating the root mean square (RMS) voltage delivered to a load by an alternating current (AC) electrical circuit having a line voltage.

63. Cranesbill root, wild geranium , (geranium maculatum)Cranesbill root for canker sores , Cranesbill root for spell working Payntersnaturalprods

64. Well here once again we have a square root here, so we could say this is equal to one half times log base two of thirty- two.

65. A fuzzy model of a direct current series motor was given and a root-mean-square error was used to verify the criterion of 9 fuzzy models.

66. Licorice root.

67. Root Directory

68. & Root filesystem

69. On any given day, I analyze the manometer levels for air displacement friction and velocity. And compute over 10,000 calculations by cosine, square root and lately Analytic Geometry.

70. So in this case cosine of theta is equal to the adjacent side, which has length 4, over the hypotenous which has the length square root of 65.

71. In the three-parameter velocity analysis, we first derive dip direction and dip angle of reflection interface from 3-D seismic data, then obtain mean square-root velocity.

72. This square might look very square and prim.

73. Some alkanet root, some deer tongue, root bark, motherwort, graveyard dirt.

74. An inCommensurable root is a real root which is not Commensurable

75. Tel Aviv's Kings Square was renamed Yitzhak Rabin Square.

76. Anthropophagous (adj.) "cannibalistic, man-eating," 1807, from Greek anthrōpophagos "man-eating," from anthrōpos "man, human" (see anthropo-) + phagos "eating" (from PIE root *bhag- "to share out, apportion; to get a share")

77. So, even though we're familiar with only a few irrationals, like square root of two and pi, the infinity of irrationals is actually greater than the infinity of fractions.

78. The predefined functions LOG (which converts to natural logarithms), EXP (which provides Antilogarithms), and SQR (which calculates the square root) may also be different in other dialects of BASIC

79. Statistics used in the evaluation were mean of the differences (between the observed and predicted stand heights), mean of the absolute differences, and square root of mean squared error.

80. Area of a square is defined as the number of square units needed to fill a square