Use "rocked by scandal" in a sentence

1. The scandal rocked the legal establishment to its foundations.

2. The government was rocked by a series of scandals.

3. Bolivia rocked by more clashes as Morales warns against bloodshed

4. The lagoon was rocked by several-hundred-miles-per-hour winds.

5. The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry.

6. The Watergate scandal was released by journalists.

7. His reputation was tainted by the scandal.

8. The government was relatively unscathed by the scandal.

9. Turbulent events rocked the nation.

10. The nurse rocked the cradle.

11. The rumor rocked the whole city.

12. The ship rocked in the squall.

13. 16 The nurse rocked the cradle.

14. His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.

15. Like a row of cascading dominoes, scandal followed scandal.

16. His sudden death rocked the village.

17. Gladstone's government struggled on, Beset by scandal and unimproved by a reshuffle.

18. Is it because I rocked the boat?

19. The firm's good name was badly tarnished by the scandal.

20. The scandal was dug up by a well-informed journalist.

21. The administration has been plagued by scandal and controversy.

22. Figures rocked on porches, hunched on stoops.

23. Europe was also rocked by anti-austerity protests, but the continent didn't shift its direction.

24. The whole theatre rocked with deafening cheers.

25. Waves from a passing freighter rocked the boat.

26. Small buildings, like small boats on a choppy sea, are rocked especially hard by their passing.

27. Countrywide’s Subprime Scandal

28. What, afraid you'll get your world rocked, Red?

29. The boat rocked violently from side to side.

30. After the scandal, he was considered damaged goods by the party.

31. The frail craft rocked as he clambered in.

32. The managing director's resignation rocked the whole company.

33. The boat rocked violently in the huge waves.

34. The Israeli embassy in London was rocked by a letter bomb... shortly after 9:30 this morning.

35. Scarcely a week goes by without some new scandal in the papers.

36. He rocked back and forth in his chair.

37. The punch rocked him back on his heels.

38. Their bodies collided and, momentarily winded, she rocked backwards.

39. Darwin's theory rocked the scientific establishment to its foundations.

40. This ambition has been seriously set back by China's poisoned milk scandal.

41. Battered by Scandal, Cuomo Leans on Black Leaders to Build His Defense

42. He hopes to live down the scandal caused by the divorce proceedings.

43. She rocked the baby to sleep in her arms.

44. She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.

45. She shook her until the kinky head rocked drunkenly.

46. The Commotion caused by the political scandal made headlines all over the country

47. 11 She gently rocked the baby backwards and forwards.

48. 4 She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair.

49. Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts.

50. A huge bomb blast rocked central London last night.sentencedict .com

51. The wash of a large motorboat rocked the little dinghy.

52. It was a big scandal.

53. His scandal stupefied his company.

54. The scandal broke in 19

55. He loved gossip and scandal.

56. Do hush up the scandal!

57. By her own account, Lewinsky had survived the intense media attention during the scandal period by knitting.

58. The Watergate scandal was exposed by two investigative journalists working for the Washington Post.

59. He rocked back and forth on his heels as he laughed.

60. The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.

61. The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea.

62. The officer brazened out the scandal.

63. Newspapers love to dig up scandal.

64. The subsequent scandal ruined Clark's health.

65. This scandal could topple the government.

66. Gallacher was the personification of scandal.

67. The scandal has cost Nicholson dearly.

68. I utterly abhor this scandal-mongering.

69. The scandal will soon blow over.

70. The scandal has stoked public outrage.

71. The scandal made her resignation inevitable.

72. This scandal may topple the government.

73. Caesar divorced Pompeia over the scandal.

74. The scandal titillated the whole country.

75. Coverage of the Henan scandal also points the finger at inaction by the provincial authorities.

76. Maybe the second term that President Clinton began Monday will be defined by debilitating scandal.

77. The press could scent a scandal.

78. The administration was tainted with scandal.

79. 9 He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.

80. The old lady rocked back and forth in her rocking chair.