Use "ritually" in a sentence

1. The goat was ritually slaughtered.

2. The statue was ritually bathed and purified.

3. Sometimes the six ritually beheaded the virgin.

4. Animals are brought in and ritually slaughtered.

5. 6 The statue was ritually bathed and purified.

6. The killings are brutal, with victims ritually tortured.

7. You can't even offer a sacrifice unless you're already ritually pure, because you couldn't get into the sanctuary to offer your sacrifice if you weren't ritually pure.

8. She was to be ritually speared for having broken a taboo.

9. Burying the dead makes one ritually impure, but God commands proper care of the dead.

10. He ritually destroyed his early paintings - a cremation at a mortuary, no less - in 19

11. Practically speaking, we ritually verify what is there, and are disposed to call it reality.

12. Sexual contact makes one ritually impure, and yet God commands humans to be fruitful and multiply.

13. He ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind , and offered whole - offerings on the altar.

14. He took ritually clean beastsand birds of every kind , and offered whole - offerings on the altar.

15. The Besom is the traditional witch's broom, and can be used for ritually cleansing a space

16. During the endowment, the person is ritually washed, anointed with oil, and dressed in temple garments.

17. The dead have ritually been interred in pyramids, cremated on burning pyres, and sunk beneath the oceans' waves.

18. But churches had been burnt, priests killed, and proud Saxons had ritually washed off their enforced baptism.

19. Mingi, in the religion of the Hamar and related tribes, is the state of being impure or "ritually polluted".

20. Butcapitalism is incapable of inventinga future which does not ritually reproduce its present. With, needless to say, more options .. .

21. In some cases, the body of a dead person was ritually eaten by his relatives, a form called endoCannibalism

22. Evidence indicates that all the victims were ritually killed to consecrate successive stages of the pyramid's construction (illustration below).

23. Rooney duly came on to be ritually abused by a suddenly vocal Anfield crowd – "Who's the scouser in the wig?

24. Although Beijing ritually protests US weapons sales to the island, it has not previously targeted the companies involved in the trade.

25. The term ‘Brahminical Patriarchy’ is an ideology by which upper castes have ritually, socially and economically marginalised the women and lower castes

26. However, it's important to note that these passages say nothing about masturbation being sinful – simply that you must ritually cleanse yourself after ejaculating.

27. Mungo man - In 19 scientists discovered the Mungo man - a primate who was ritually buried 40- 000 years ago with his hands covering his penis.

28. Long before our ability to synthesize aroma molecules in labs, cultures worldwide have been using natural raw materials medicinally, ritually, therapeutically, and Adorningly

29. Llullaillaco is also a well-known archaeological site; the mummified remains of three Inca children, ritually sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered on the summit in 19

30. In Ancient Egypt the names of enemy kings would be inscribed on pottery bowls and ritually smashed with the aim of bringing about the death of these rulers.

31. While age and construction techniques certainly played a role, many Ampullae appear to have been purposely damaged, perhaps because they were ritually destroyed as a way of blessing

32. There are demands for prayer calls, no pork in kindergartens, nurses in veils, halal meals in prisons, and Muslims in elderly homes demanding to be ritually washed five times a day.

33. The reference is to the practice of animal sacrifice in the Jewish Temple, where thousands of animals were ritually slaughtered every year as offerings to God, the meat being shared with the Priests.

34. Bloodguilt made a person ritually unclean ( Numbers 35:33-34 ) and was incurred by killing a person who did not deserve to die ( Deuteronomy 19:10; Jeremiah 26:15; Jonah 1:14 )

35. I'm not certain whether this can be defined as creepy or just inappropriate: a young Greek bride ritually celebrates her nuptials by grabbing a young, pre-pubescent boy and forcing him onto her lap.

36. A week later, the baby will be ritually bathed in a cedar tub by a courtier while auspicious texts, written in classic Chinese literary style and wishing it good health and fortune, are read aloud.

37. The duration of this borderline state is ritually determined and during its course the deceased has to undergo certain tests for acceptance in the afterlife. — Death rituals must be exactly adhered to so that the deceased can completely transfer into his new life and finds no reason for return.

38. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the Afikoman, a half-piece of matza that gets "stolen" and hidden during the Seder ceremony and then is found and ritually eaten for dessert, is that its origin is a dictate in the Mishnah, which explicitly states: "One should not have any Afikoman after the Passover sacrifice" (Pesahim 10:8).