Use "rising up" in a sentence

1. Why are many rising up against me?

2. " Waves of heat rising up, wrinkling the air.

3. Circling, circling, the white walls rising up around you.

4. Beaujolais is a mountainous region with hills rising up to about 1000m

5. The spectacle of law and order here, rising up from the gravy and the potatoes.

6. Tension choked them: they could feel it rising up their throats, threatening to swamp their brains.

7. And so this, again, a real picture of the ice fountains rising up into space, absolutely beautiful.

8. 30 She stood, staring out at the pond and the dark Grove rising up the mountain behind it.

9. Today, it is a bustling town of people and trailers with the Ocean Quest rising up like a skyscraper.

10. People everywhere are rising up and becoming their own authorities. They're self qualifying, rather than relying on outside approval and traditional sanctioning.

11. What are facts about Boudicca? Boudicca was a Celtic queen who is famous for rising up against the Roman occupation in AD60 or 61

12. This happens high up in the atmosphere where it's cooler; water vapor rising up in the air Condenses as it cools to make clouds

13. Another method the adversary uses to discourage us from rising up is to make us see the commandments as things that have been forced upon us.

14. The Baaing pulses, rising up and falling, the sheep feeling the wolves circling, their fear palpable, but unable to flee the questionable safety of the flock

15. If organizers succeed in Bessemer, it could set off a chain reaction across Amazon's operations nationwide, with thousands more workers rising up and demanding better working conditions.

16. At the words "And the magical flow of his speech", the piece shifts to a major key, still rising up a scale, still Crescendoing, gaining more and more intensity

17. It was wonderfully cool inside because of its huge thermal mass, natural convection of air rising up through the oculus, and a Venturi effect when wind blows across the top of the building.

18. And all his sons and all his daughters kept rising up to comfort him, but he kept refusing to take comfort and saying: ‘For I shall go down mourning to my son into Sheol!’

19. Bimodal volcanism is usually found in places where there is extension of the crust, like a rift in a continent, or at hotspots where plumes hot mantle material are rising up underneath a plate.

20. And all his sons and all his daughters kept rising up to comfort him, but he kept refusing to take comfort and saying: ‘For I shall go down mourning to my son into Sheol [or, the grave]!’”

21. With its new gunports, Bartizan, and pieds d'araignee supports rising up to the merlons, the gateway (ostensibly remodelled without explicit regimento authorization) must have taken on an appearance reminiscent of Danzilho's design for the bastions of Almeida.

22. The flying-fishes live the most unhappy lives of all others, as they are persecuted in the water by the dolphins, bonitoes, and Albicores, and when they endeavour to escape from their enemies in the water, by rising up in flight

23. Like Jennifer Odem's sculpture of tables standing sentinel on the banks of the Mississippi River in New Orleans, guarding against the threat of post-Katrina floodwaters and rising up against adversity, we too have the ability to act affirmatively and affect positive change.

24. Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk On Exposing USA Gymnastics’ Practices with Netflix’s ‘Athlete A’ "In a way, all these athletes rising up together to take on a system--and ultimately Nassar and the system-- is another way of heroism that is breathtaking."

25. Apostate AMERICA: AN END TIMES CHURCH A POWERFUL AMERICAN CHURCH IS RISING UP A Great Falling Away which will Look Like a Great End Times Revival is only Beginning The Death of Christianity The preceding article prompted a few observations about a movement within the Christian Church which is spreading rapidly

26. What's happening is, the art form is colliding with the given technology, whether it's paint on stone, like the Tomb of the Scribe in ancient Egypt, or a bas- relief sculpture rising up a stone column, or a 200- foot- long embroidery, or painted deerskin and tree bark running across 88 accordion- folded pages.

27. What's happening is, an art form is colliding with a given technology, whether it's paint on stone, like the Tomb of Menna the Scribe in ancient Egypt, or a bas-relief sculpture rising up a stone column, or a 200-foot-long embroidery, or painted deerskin and tree bark running across 88 accordion-folded pages.