Use "rioted" in a sentence

1. The discontented crowd rioted.

2. With their trade threatened, the silversmiths rioted.

3. The prisoners rioted against mistreatment by sadistic guards.

4. These people rolled in wealth and rioted in debauchery.

5. Jubilant sports fans rioted after their team won the championship.

6. Limburg miners at the Zwartberg mine rioted in 1966 to protest its closure.

7. I'm told the co-op nearly rioted, some oversight from the developer's agreement.

8. Lantau Island was also a salt production centre where salt smugglers rioted against the government.

9. Investors have been a tad nervous since indigenous people rioted for several days in March.

10. There are cases where only instrumental technique is rioted, implying an apprenticeship with a master who transmits the music orally.

11. That bad times were ahead became clear already in 1391 when, after centuries of relative amity, crowds rioted in Seville.

12. When the pyramids began to collapse, crowds rioted throughout the small country and opposition activists demanded that the government step down.

13. Since a crowd had once rioted when the film was interrupted, I decided to continue the show but to speed it up.

14. In Kazakhstan on June 19, 1989, young men carrying guns, firebombs, iron bars and stones rioted in Zhanaozen, causing a number of deaths.

15. Students at Saigon University boycotted classes and rioted, which led to arrests, imprisonments, and the closure of the university; this was repeated at Huế University.

16. On 6 June 1982, after the club drew an all-important match with Caroline Hill, the fans rioted outside the stadium that spread onto Causeway Bay.