Use "rights and obligations" in a sentence

1. Rights and Obligations Assertion

2. Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations.

3. transfer of rights and obligations by a contractor;

4. transfer of rights and obligations by a contractor

5. (x) transfer of rights and obligations by a contractor;

6. 12 These rights and obligations are called contractual terms.

7. Parental power includes a lot of rights and obligations for underage children.

8. Still, the difference between them is that an assignor is the transferor of the rights and obligations of the assignment, while an Assignee is the recipient of the rights and obligations.

9. Private law primarily concerns the rights and obligations of citizens against and towards one another.

10. The usual flow of oil supplies will be modified in order to meet allocation rights and obligations.

11. The value of the rights and obligations of a departing member may not be fixed in advance.

12. Is the balance of rights and obligations as it should be, or do changes have to be made?

13. The Avunculate involves mutual rights and obligations that serve to keep the individual close to his mother’s elan

14. on the exercise of rights and obligations akin to membership ad interim by the European Community in the World Customs Organisation

15. A shareholders' Agreement is an arrangement among a company's shareholders that describes how the company should be operated and outlines shareholders' rights and obligations.

16. Carriers and terminal operators shall set up or have in place an accessible complaint-handling mechanism for rights and obligations covered by this Regulation.

17. – Advancing considerations on the adoption of a secular personal status law, granting civil rights and obligations to the Lebanese citizens regardless of their religious affiliation

18. 1. Carriers and terminal operators shall set up or have in place an accessible complaint-handling mechanism for rights and obligations covered by this Regulation.

19. However, they are included here as the recommendations on the rights and obligations of the account debtor follow the recommendations dealing with the assignment of receivables

20. An Alteration is a variation made in the language or terms of a legal document that affects the rights and obligations of the parties to it

21. However, they are included here as the recommendations on the rights and obligations of the account debtor follow the recommendations dealing with the assignment of receivables.

22. The object is to fulfil allocation rights and obligations, that is, to direct oil and/or products from countries with a surplus to countries with a deficit.

23. India-US civil nuclear cooperation will be carried out on the basis of the respective rights and obligations of the two sides as contained in the Agreement.

24. In some versions of social contract theory, there are no rights in the state of nature, only freedoms, and it is the contract that creates rights and obligations.

25. But if the bailor receives payment for the Bailment (a Bailment for reward) there is often an express contract setting out the rights and obligations of the parties

26. Accordingly, they will try to resolve in an Amicable manner all disagreements and misunderstandings connected with their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement, including any amendments hereto.

27. (i) Adopting a standard employment contract for General Category Workers with detailed terms and conditions of the employment, including the rights and obligations of the employer and workers;

28. The object of that involvement is to arrive at a specific result, that is, the redistribution of oil and/or products to fulfil the participating countries' allocation rights and obligations.

29. The Assignor is the original party who transfers the rights and obligations of the contract to a third party known as the assignee, who is originally not part of the assignment

30. In Article 16 on the specific admission conditions for au-pairs, the Council fully accepts the content of Amendments 34 and 35 of the European Parliament concerning the rights and obligations of au-pairs.

31. If Concessions granted by lessors are beyond the enforceable rights and obligations in the contract, entities would generally account for those Concessions in accordance with the lease modification guidance in Topic 842 or Topic 840

32. An Assignee is the receiving end of an arrangement that is called “assignment.” By this arrangement, Party 1, which is called the “assignor,” transfers rights and obligations to Party 2, which is called the “Assignee…

33. Adjudication: A legal process by which an arbiter or judge reviews the evidence and arguments by the parties to an action to reach a decision which will determine the litigants’ rights and obligations to each other

34. CONSIDERING the commitment of both the Community and Algeria to free trade, in compliance with the rights and obligations arising out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in its post-Uruguay Round form,

35. A Residential Lease Agreement is A lease agreement that is specific to residential rental properties and is used to outline the terms and conditions of a tenancy, including the rights and obligations of the landlord and tenant

36. (adjective) The rules of kinship largely determined status with its Correlative rights and obligations, supplied the place of contract and of laws affecting the ownership, disposition and devolution of property, constituting the clan an organic, selfcontained entity, a political, social and mutual insurance copartnership.

37. Cohabitation agreements, also called “Cohabitation contracts” or "living together agreements" in Scotland, can set out the rights and obligations of each partner towards each other.Creating an agreement can cover key aspects of your relationship and personal life and can cover issues such as: financial arrangements

38. Research entities established in Lithuania participating in Community research programmes, shall, as regards ownership, exploitation and dissemination of information and intellectual property arising from such participation, have the same rights and obligations as those of research entities established in the Community, subject to the provisions of Annex II.

39. 116 In that context the Federal Republic of Germany cited the case-law of the Court ( 18 ) to the effect that the principles of clarity in the law and legal certainty require that rights and obligations deriving from rules which impose burdens must be made known without ambiguity and with clarity .

40. 1. Member States shall ensure that payment service providers put in place and apply adequate and effective complaint resolution procedures for the settlement of complaints of payment service users concerning the rights and obligations arising under Titles III and IV of this Directive and shall monitor their performance in that regard.

41. The NE has adopted the principle of effective interpretation which gives full effect to the rights and obligations provided by the Treaty, taking into account its object and purpose set out in the Preamble which is "attaining the most complete and satisfactory utilization of the waters of the Indus System of rivers”.

42. Detailed information related to conditions and procedures for granting or terminating asylum in the Republic of Albania, as well as the rights and obligations of refugees, is given in the second Report on the Convention against the Torture (CAT/C/ALB/2), concretely in the comments for Article 3, paragraphs 74–75–76.

43. Although the Ashikaga shogunate had retained the structure of the Kamakura shogunate and instituted a warrior government based on the same social economic rights and obligations established by the Hōjō with the Jōei Code in 1232, it failed to win the loyalty of many daimyōs, especially those whose domains were far from the capital, Kyoto.

44. Women and men, either separately or jointly, may adopt a child; the rights and obligations arising from adoption do not extend to the relatives of the adopter or the adoptee, but the adoptive children have the same rights as the natural children and the same obligations to the parents. The adopter has parental authority over the adoptee and the latter is entitled to use the former's family name

45. Addenda to this introductory document contain Chapters III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI of the revised draft Guide: Chapter III (Approaches to security): A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.9/Add.1, Chapter V (Publicity and filing): A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.9/Add.2, Chapter VI (Priority): A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.9/Add.3, Chapter VII (Pre-default rights and obligations): A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.9/Add.

46. Degrading a soldier’s dignity is defined as undesirable behavior of sexual nature as well as all forms of harassment of nature other than sexual that are intended to interfere with the soldier’s dignity, to create intimidating, hostile, humiliating and abasing or offensive atmosphere, and that are unwelcome, inappropriate or may reasonably be perceived by another soldier as a condition for making decisions that affect the performance of rights and obligations ensuing from the service arrangement.

47. 281 FT states that the principle of legal certainty does not depend solely on the conditions required for the creation of a legitimate expectation on the part of the aid recipient (Salzgitter v Commission, paragraph 249 above) and that that principle requires that every act of the administration which produces legal effects should be clear and precise, so that the person concerned is able to know without ambiguity what his rights and obligations are and to take steps accordingly (Case C-279/95 P Langnese-Iglo v Commission [1998] ECR I‐5609, paragraph 78).

48. In this regard, while recognizing that a diverse portfolio of energy sources will be needed to allow access to sustainable energy and electricity resources in all regions of the world, and that States parties may pursue different ways to achieve their energy security and climate protection goals, the Group of Non-Aligned States Parties to the Treaty once again acknowledges and reaffirms that each State party to the Treaty has the sovereign right to define its national energy policies including fuel-cycle policies, in accordance with its national requirements and its rights and obligations under the Treaty.