Use "rightful" in a sentence

1. The sword to its rightful owner!

2. He is also the rightful Sovereign.

3. If that's true, Stannis is the rightful king.

4. The property was Adjudged to the rightful owner: 10

5. We seek to return it to its rightful owner.

6. That staff has found its rightful owner as well!

7. I am Draal, son of Kanjigar and the amulet's rightful heir!

8. His Holiness was ashamed to keep it from its rightful home.

9. When she murdered your rightful queen and destroyed House Tyrell for all time.

10. He focused on the positive, rejoicing that Israel’s rightful king had returned safely.

11. So they put it back into the Bible in its rightful places.

12. They rejoiced at being restored to their rightful spiritual estate on earth.

13. Then it is up to you to lure our enemy to their rightful place:

14. The attackers said they were acting on behalf of the rightful party leadership.

15. The term has been used in the Quran in preference to ‘Ibad and Ima’ (Slaves and Bondwomen) to point to a just and rightful possession, the expression Milk Yamin signifying full and rightful possession (Lisan)

16. An Animal with a known owner, please return the Animal to the rightful owner

17. 18, 19. (a) Who is the rightful One to be credited with originating life?

18. Ours was becoming a flawless space in which every object had its rightful place.

19. At the Beknighting of the king, imperial power returned to the hands of the rightful ruler

20. In either event, David determined that the estate should be returned to the rightful heir, Mephibosheth.

21. The court ordered the people living in the house to restitute it to its rightful owners.

22. Like Jesus, we point to God’s Kingdom as the rightful government of all the earth.

23. He is traditionally associated, very closely, with the Messiah, the anointed one, the rightful king.

24. Who will lead our armies against mercia. And place its rightful queen at her throne?

25. "he displayed precisely the Comportment expected of the rightful king" demeanour - outward behaviour or bearing

26. Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway, is the legal and rightful heir to the throne and the Kingdom.

27. At the Beknighting of the king, imperial power returned to the hands of the rightful ruler

28. 26 The Baltics' own democratic traditions would help them to regain their rightful place in Europe.

29. Because this encounter, unlike those with luscious little Rivaleh, has no rightful place in my script.

30. King Robert's body was still warm when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's rightful throne.

31. When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book.

32. 6 The rightfulness of rightful men shall deliver them; and wicked men shall be taken in their Ambushings

33. If there are neither rightful claimants nor nominated beneficiaries, the capital sum shall accrue to the Supplementary Scheme.

34. In short, he begins to display precisely the comportment his contemporaries would have expected of their rightful king.

35. Go, fit in, have a home, have a rightful place This piece really Belongs in a museum

36. 25 He is traditionally associated, very closely, with the Messiah, the anointed one,[] the rightful king.

37. Without role models, it becomes harder for women to take up their rightful space in public life.

38. It took months together before the rightful money of the citizen was returned to him from the government exchequer.

39. 13 The Kingdom is a real government, with power and authority, and it will fulfill all rightful expectations.

40. Indigenous Peoples have rightful access to mainstream governance as well as in exercising their rights to self-governance.

41. This makes chocolate from the Los Ancones Plantation the rightful descendent of a tradition of fine, classic cocoa

42. To that end, Jehovah restored them to their rightful estate on earth, to an approved relationship with him.

43. In addition, the modernisation of political life must mean granting women their rightful place in the machinery of public administration.

44. It was around these two precocious strikers that Torino intended to reclaim their rightful crown as the city's top club.

45. Abeyance — A situation in which the rightful owner of a property, office or title has not yet been decided

46. Only from a self-confident Britain can we look outside to play our rightful role in the wider world.

47. Aphids, cicadas, assassin Bugs, ants, and a variety of other insects can claim rightful membership in the order Hemiptera.

48. Hideyoshi defeated Mitsuhide within a month, and was regarded as the rightful successor of Nobunaga by avenging the treachery of Mitsuhide.

49. Abeyance is a situation in which the rightful owner of a property, office or title has not yet been decided.

50. To be a survivor, a person must fear Jehovah, recognize him as the rightful Sovereign, and be dedicated to him.

51. In 1555, Pope Paul IV issued a papal bull recognising Philip and Mary as rightful King and Queen of Ireland.

52. (Romans 8:33) This is no abuse of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty but is a rightful expression of it toward his enemies.

53. But animals can have no expectations in this sense since they lack moral personality - a sense of rightful give and take.

54. After a few days its rightful owner came to collect it and informed her that it was in fact a ferret.

55. However, for accidental deaths, the claim is being considered by the Insurance Company for payment of compensation, to the rightful claimant.

56. In recent years it has swiftly and quietly assumed its rightful role and become the actual carrier of all kinds of information.

57. A story about a jealous uncle whose attempts to usurp the throne from the rightful king cost the Seven Kingdoms dearly in blood and gold.

58. I do not own this song, it belongs to its rightful owners.Song: DripArtist: Blisse (now The Afters)Album: When The World Is WonderfulAlbum Year: 2001Song #: 11

59. I do not own this song, it belongs to its rightful owners.Song: Until The WorldArtist: Blisse (now The Afters)Album: When The World Is WonderfulAlbum Year: 2

60. Edward claimed Henry had forfeited his right to the crown by allowing his queen to take up arms against his rightful heirs under the Act of Accord.

61. Talk show queen Anele Mdoda and four other women from Africa have taken their rightful seats on the first episode of The Buzz when they outlined a viewer’s dilemma and …

62. Rather than Americanising European standards, we must prioritise the introduction of a multipolar development model in which Europe will at last find its rightful place and full meaning.

63. In this agreement, they acknowledged any of his legitimate daughters as the rightful Queen of Bohemia, Hungary and Croatia, and Archduchess of Austria – a break from the tradition of agnatic primogeniture.

64. Honorius II then fled to his bishopric at Parma and, although anathematized by a papal council, he insisted until the day of his death that he was the rightful pope.13

65. (Galatians 6:1) Even when strong reproof or discipline is in order, they would continue to honor the wrongdoer’s rightful dignity and self-respect.—1 Timothy 5:1, 2.

66. In both cases, however, the point in dispute was the same, namely, the rightful sovereignty of Jehovah God, which requires absolute obedience of human creatures to God’s laws and prohibitions.

67. 28 synonyms for Belong: go, fit in, have a home, have a rightful place, go with, fit into, be part of, relate to, attach to, be connected with, pertain to

68. Such lovers of the rightful Universal Sovereign are people that will line up now, without further delay, on the side of His Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

69. Rapid advances in technology and the increasing rightful demand for transparency have created a challenging environment in which service organizations need to operate and respond more efficiently to the aspirations of citizens.

70. A week later, Cher countered with a divorce suit and charged Sonny with "involuntary servitude", claiming that he withheld money from her and deprived her of her rightful share of their earnings.

71. Appanage - any customary and rightful perquisite appropriate to your station in life; "for thousands of years the chair was an Appanage of state and dignity rather than an article of ordinary use" apanage

72. Despite being born with a withered leg and derisively nicknamed "Lungri" ("The Lame One") by his own mother, Shere Khan is aggressive, arrogant, self-centered, and sees himself as the rightful lord of the jungle.

73. If their fasting was of a real kind, an abstention from ordinarily rightful things, why were they at the same time heartlessly driving their “toilers,” their own brothers, to work, thus heaping oppressive affliction upon them?

74. Interestingly, in his Synonyms of the Old Testament, Robert Girdlestone wrote concerning Abraham’s righteousness: “This righteousness was not absolute, i.e. such as would commend Abraham to God as a rightful claimant of the inheritance of sonship.”

75. Synonyms of Commandeering (Entry 1 of 2) the unlawful taking or withholding of something from the rightful owner under a guise of authority the Spanish navy's Commandeering of fishing boats and impressment of fishermen

76. Conversion, in law, unauthorized possession of personal property causing curtailment of the owner’s possession or alteration of the property.The essence of Conversion is not benefit to the wrongful taker but detriment to the rightful owner

77. The Abbasid caliphs officially based their claim to the throne on their descent from Abbas (AD 566-652), the eldest uncle of Muhammad, in virtue of which descent they regarded themselves as the rightful heirs of

78. Carrying “palm branches in their hands,” they hail Jehovah as rightful Sovereign of the universe, whose rulership is expressed through the reign of his enthroned King, Jesus Christ, “the Lamb of God.” —John 1:29, 36.

79. What is a Botnet? Occasionally referred to as a “zombie army,” a Botnet is a group of hijacked Internet-connected devices, each injected with malware used to control it from a remote location without the knowledge of the device’s rightful owner.

80. Cooperating illicit intent zero energy workman povijest up-and-coming ryj abstract class suppressor formal method heteromorphism Lobgesang/Preislied/Hymne/Ode intercessor, one who presents the cause of another in court, advocate schooling benpi rightful to thrust/to push oneself forward