Use "right brained" in a sentence

1. Set-stitched flagfish outmanoeuvered Bilsh right-brained certy trinitroxylol

2. He was a world-class thinker, a right-brained adept.

3. Seeing the bigger picture is essential for right-Brained people to understand the world

4. While a right-Brained person would think of a cataloging system to save time for the next batch.

5. Right-Brained people tend to be adept at activities that involve arts, intuition, imagination, creativity, and expression of emotions.

6. Some people believe that a person is either left-Brained or right-Brained and that this determines the way they think and behave

7. From these studies, the notion of 'right-Brained' and 'left-Brained' individuals was born with more chracteristics being added to each side of the brain over decades.

8. We have the perfect test to help you and your child figure out the huge dilemma – are you left or right Brained? Right Brain Left Brain Test

9. In order to get the best answer to the ultimate question “Am I left or right Brained?”, make sure to answer the 8 simple questions as truthfully as possible.

10. Are people either left-Brained or right-Brained? Like many popular psychology myths , this one grew out of observations of the human brain that were then dramatically distorted and exaggerated