Use "right angles" in a sentence

1. All the angles in a Cuboid are right angles.

2. Identify the right, acute and obtuse Angles

3. Horizontal angles: #° to the left and right

4. Horizontal angles: 30° to the left and right.

5. Possibly, centered at right angles on the same axis.

6. Angles can be either straight, right, acute or obtuse

7. Possibly centered at right angles on the same axis.

8. Fold over at right angles to form a triangle.

9. Rectilinear: the polygon's sides meet at right angles, i.e., all its interior angles are 90 or 270 degrees.

10. These Angles are acute Angles, which means they are less than a right angle (less than 90°)

11. Abeam: At right angles to the keel of a ship

12. The cleavage planes are at right angles to one another.

13. The support arm (3) joins the flange (1) at right angles.

14. Horizontal angles: 15° to the left and 15° to the right.

15. That all of the angles add up to 180 degrees, right?

16. Ashlars are hewn stones in which all edges meet at right angles

17. The sum of the angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees, right?

18. A right triangle (or right-angled triangle, formerly called a rectangled triangle) has one of its interior angles measuring 90° (a right angle).

19. The adjoining sides of Ashlar stones are at right angles to each other.

20. Well, we know the angles of a triangle add up to 180, right?

21. Right-angles are automatically produced in the wall owing to the tooth arrangement.

22. The aisles intersect at right angles to form the shape of a cross.

23. Uniform heat flow is assumed to be at right angles to the interface.

24. It crosses at right angles several streets of the geometrically implemented urban expansion.

25. For clamping at non-right angles, the KR-AS tilting adapter is available.

26. Before falling at right angles, Do hold me tenderly at a straight angle.

27. I also moved the camera from left to right to get different angles.

28. He turned randomly at right angles, and set off at a lolloping run.

29. If you aim right for the truth, you veer off at even stranger angles.

30. Extending or lying across; in a Crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis cross-section , cross-sectional representing a plane made by cutting across something at right angles to its length

31. Introduce the other Angles by referring to and comparing them to the right angle

32. Roads in the towns were straight and long, intersecting one another at right angles.

33. Two Angles are Complementary when they add up to 90 degrees (a Right Angle)

34. Laser beam emitting device which projects right angles for construction and home improvement purposes

35. Each layer is placed with the grain running at right angles to the adjacent veneer.

36. Abeam At right angles to the keel of the boat, but not on the boat.

37. And if you add the measure of the angles of a right triangle, the sum...

38. The doorway led into a hall, which was usually at right angles to the street.

39. Eyelash brushes generally consist of several tufts of hair mounted at right angles to the handle.

40. Slot piece A into piece B, taking care to keep the two pieces at right angles.

41. In the radial-ply tire the layers of fabric run at right angles to the tread.

42. For illustration, the orange circle in Figure 6 crosses the black given circles at right angles.

43. This happens when: A right angle is bisected to from two Adjacent angles each measuring 45° A straight angle is bisected to from two Adjacent angles where each of them is a right angle measuring 90°

44. Secondary veins inserted into the stem (midrib) almost at right angles. // // (iv) Phil I: Habit: cylindrical.

45. Angles 1,2,6,7 are exterior Angles Alternate interior Angles: Pairs of interior Angles on opposite sides of the transversal

46. In a particular embodiment the connepting elements of adjacent pairs of connecting elements are at right angles.

47. This one right over here, all of these angles are less than 90 degrees, just eyeballing it.

48. Blackthorn twigs are not shiny, with thorns usually more than 2cm long and held at right angles

49. In radial flow pumps the liquid is propelled at right angles to the axis or the impeller.

50. You start by teaching angles -- an acute angle, a right angle, an obtuse angle, a straight angle.

51. One of Euclid’s distinctive postulates, or Axioms, is the parallel postulate, which states that if a line segment intersects two straight lines forming two interior angles (α and β in the diagram above) on the same side that sum to less than two right angles, then the two lines, if extended indefinitely, meet on that side on which the angles sum to less than two right angles

52. The outside-inside polarization is at right angles to the external surfaces of all the integument structures.

53. Think of acute Angles as sharp Angles

54. Alternate exterior Angles: Pairs of exterior Angles …

55. Bevel definition, the inclination that one line or surface makes with another when not at right angles

56. In radial flow pumps, the liquid is propelled at right angles to the axis of the impeller.

57. Crosshatching is the drawing of two layers of hatching at right-angles to create a mesh-like pattern

58. The elements substantially consist of plates (1) that can be fitted together at right angles to each other.

59. Hold the bag at right angles to the surface to be iced, with the nozzle a fraction away.

60. A large celestial object must have passed through at right angles to the plane of the star system

61. For our direction to be a dimension, it has to be at right angles to all other dimensions.

62. A rotating shaft (24, 25) passes through the valve at right angles (101) to the delivery direction (100).

63. The vertical force components at right angles to the track are expressed by the static vertical load S.

64. Two main roads, (cardo and decumanus) cross each other at right angles in the center of the city.

65. The cut at the base must be as clean as possible and at right angles to the stem.

66. They prefer running-angles which have relatively narrow angular deviations, left and right, to the basic directions (Figs.

67. The Elements of Botany Asa Gray Each Apophysis is crossed in its apical half at right angles by two …

68. The set of threads woven alternately over and under these at right angles across the cloth constitutes the woof.

69. Their leg joints flex only slightly in the front-rear direction but exceedingly well at right angles to this.

70. Equator: The plane through the middle of the cell, at right angles to the main axis of the spindle.

71. Angles greater than 180° are called reflex Angles

72. The saw cable closure consists of a double joint with two axes that cross each other at right angles.

73. The interstitial cells are arranged like rungs of a ladder, crossing the medullary tubuli and capillaries at right angles.

74. Sailing across the wind is also called reaching, as the wind is abeam (at right angles to the keel).

75. To repair the defect, first use a sharp knife to make two cuts at right angles across the blister.

76. A wall extending at right angles to the Backfilling is the best support you can have for a wall.

77. Abeam - at right angles to the length of a ship or airplane Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

78. Cartesian three-space, also called xyz-space, has a third axis, oriented at right angles to the xy plane

79. There are three pairs of semicircular canals, which signal rotations around three axes at right angles to each other.

80. Illumination angles