Use "ridiculousness" in a sentence

1. Antonyms for Achievability include impossibility, impracticability, unfeasibility, unlikelihood, implausibility, inconceivability, impracticality, ridiculousness

2. Sometimes, Absurdity is the best part, to be honest, because it allows authentic human reaction to mix with a sort of inconsequential ridiculousness that provides complication only in the moment and matters only on the field of play.

3. Absurdity: 1 n a ludicrous folly “the crowd laughed at the Absurdity of the clown's behavior” Synonyms: fatuity , fatuousness , silliness Type of: folly , foolishness , unwiseness the trait of acting stupidly or rashly n a message whose content is at variance with reason Synonyms: absurdness , ridiculousness Type of: bunk , hokum ,