Use "riddance" in a sentence

1. A good riddance of bad rubbish.

2. Good riddance to'em!

3. Good riddance, you ask me.

4. He is a good riddance.

5. Then I thought: good riddance.

6. He was indeed a good riddance.

7. His departure will be a good riddance for us.

8. Good riddance, you filthy pile of pebbles.

9. Let us have riddance of these evils.

10. Good riddance, adios, bienvenidos, hasta la vista.

11. He's gone at last, and good riddance !

12. Good riddance. I hope I never see you again.

13. They [ Their departure ] will be a good riddance.

14. Good riddance, she thought, scowling fiercely at the water.

15. She was awful. Good riddance to her, I say!

16. The ubiquitous man with the pained expression vanishes. Good riddance.

17. They made a complete riddance of the mice in the warehouse.

18. You should never have crossed my path . Good riddance.

19. To man qua man we readily say good riddance.

20. You're better off without that jerk Good riddance, I say.

21. 'Good - by and good riddance!'she said to him angrily as he left.

22. I've thrown out all the old furniture, and good riddance!

23. I left Texas and said good riddance to all that.

24. When Mr. Robert's old car was stolen, he thought it was good riddance.

25. 'Goodbye and good riddance!' she said to him angrily as he left.

26. For a moment it was on Scarlett's hot tongue to cry: " Go and good riddance! "

27. The preening popinjay has now departed the scene and good riddance, say I.

28. But if this is what the club resorts to than good riddance to them.

29. We were all annoyed with him over not helping with the hay, and I thought good riddance.

30. So any docks, dandelions and creeping buttercup go straight to the tip and good riddance to them too.

31., while a long tail domain, is a positive play-on-words for the term "Good Riddance."

32. When she rubbed them clear he was no longer there. Good riddance, she thought, scowling fiercely at the water.

33. Bogydom bogyism fillipeen fillister fillmass fillock fillowite filly film filmable filmdom filmet filmgoer ide idea ideaed ideaful ideagenous ideal idealess idealism idealist idealistic ridably riddam riddance riddel ridden ridder ridding riddle

34. Biddance," "furtherance," "guidance," "hin-drance," "riddance," and "utterance." The alternate ending -ncy is observed in "flip-pancy" and "truancy." All our verbs here are of the first conjugation because of the influence of French, which levelled all present participles to …