Use "ricin" in a sentence

1. 12 They were close to weaponizing ricin—a lethal plant toxin.

2. 2 They were close to weaponizing ricin—a lethal plant toxin.

3. Ricin is synthesized in the endosperm of castor oil plant seeds.

4. Since the "Antiabrin," which developed in the serum of an animal immunized with abrin, would not neutralize the toxic effects of ricin nor would "anti-ricin" neutralize abrin

5. Since the "Antiabrin," which developed in the serum of an animal immunized with abrin, would not neutralize the toxic effects of ricin nor would "anti-ricin" neutralize abrin

6. Ricinine and Abrine are potential indicators of drinking water contamination by ricin and abrin, respectively

7. Ricin A-chain is an N-glycosidase that attacks ribosomal RNA at a highly conserved adenine residue.

8. In contrast, Abasic sites in the RNA are not known except for the site in ribosomal RNA induced by the plant poison ricin

9. A dose of purified ricin powder the size of a few grains of table salt can kill an adult human.

10. Several terrorists and terrorist groups have experimented with ricin and caused several incidents of the poisons being mailed to U.S. politicians.

11. Under both the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, ricin is listed as a schedule 1 controlled substance.

12. Ricinine and Abrine are small alkaloid molecules that are present in crude extracts of ricin and abrin, respectively, and can be used as biomarkers for these toxins [7-9]

13. Abrine are small alkaloid molecules that are present in crude extracts of ricin and abrin, respectively, and can be used as biomarkers for these toxins [7-9]

14. Lectin intoxication assays revealed that gro29 cells were cross-resistant to killing by the cytotoxic lectins ricin and modeccin, but not to wheat germ agglutinin, Ricinus communis agglutinin RCA120, or leucoagglutinin.

15. The Antitoxins were then tested for efficacy against inha led ricin in mice by administering them intravenously either 1 hour before or 1 or 2 hours after a 3 LCt 50 challenge

16. Despite this, more than 1 million metric tons of castor beans are processed each year, and approximately 5% of the total is rendered into a waste containing negligible concentrations of undenatured ricin toxin.

17. In contrast, only a few studies of Abasic sites in the RNA have been reported, such as those in ribosomal RNA generated by ricin and loss of bulky bases that are susceptible to depurination (2, 3)

18. Interactions with wheat germ agglutinin and ricin suggest the occurrence of multiple β-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (D-GlcNAc) and β-D-galactosyl (β-D-Gal) units as common structural features of gonococcal cell envelope polysaccharide.