Use "rich food" in a sentence

1. The boy gorged on rich food.

2. Rich food always gives me indigestion.

3. He gorged himself on rich food.

4. He has a predilection for rich food.

5. Argin, a food supplement rich in Arginine

6. She cloyed her appetite with rich food.

7. He was satiated with rich food and luxious living.

8. It helps digest the rich food served at weddings.

9. You're too weak;you'd better strengthen with rich food.

10. My stomach's a bit unsettled after all that rich food.

11. The baby had a hard time digesting such rich food.

12. 1 A surfeit of rich food is bad for you.

13. 4 Indigestion can be brought on by a surfeit of rich food.

14. They need to harvest the summer grasses while they're still rich with food.

15. There was something very decadent about filling ourselves with so much rich food.

16. Whole food chef and food educator Monica Corrado demonstrates how to Coarsely chop a carrot for nutrient rich beef stock

17. Whole food chef and food educator Monica Corrado demonstrates how to Coarsely chop an onion for nutrient rich beef stock

18. Because Burros are accustomed to a desert environment, they cannot tolerate nutrient rich food

19. At the Public Meeting and Watchtower Study, we take in further rich spiritual food.

20. The rich, mouthwatering aroma of freshly cooked food made her stomach gurgle in anticipation.

21. Princess is groomed and well looked after, the rich grass is her favourite food.

22. A rich person is probably Accustomed to fancy clothes, expensive food, and beautiful houses

23. The sea here is particularly rich, and the plankton eating humpbacks sieve out some food.

24. Ferri rich food has the animal liver, the kelp, the lean meat and so on.

25. Breadfruits are rich in starch and are used as staple food in many tropical regions

26. Nutrient-rich foods are familiar, easy to find And represent the five basic food groups

27. Such a rich source of food gives an ecosystem almost as diverse as the Coral Seas.

28. Food plants rich in Anthocyanin include the blueberry, raspberry, black rice, and black soybean, among many …

29. Appalachia is rich with history, cultural expressions and distinct characteristics such as dialect, music and food

30. Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.

31. Filled with rich selections of affordable and delicious food and drinks! Visit Chug Chug with your friends!

32. Mushroom Barley Risotto This rich and creamy risotto is the ultimate comfort food, perfect for cold weather.

33. To put it Crudely, the poor are going without food so that the rich can drive cars

34. (Isaiah 30:23, 24) “Fat and oily” bread —food rich in nourishment— will be man’s daily staple.

35. Although the Israelites were forbidden to consume the layers of animal fat, they could eat rich, tasty food.

36. Rich dishes and fine, filtered wine picture the very best of spiritual food that Jehovah provides for us

37. The experiments indicate that the contents of microelements in hemerocallis fulva are rich and it has good food safety.

38. Whether your preference is a protein-rich salad or a family-style meal of simple, delicious comfort food, Chickpea

39. By eating such rich food, the once underfed dog gradually got bigger and stronger, and became very handsome looking.

40. With seven percent growth and insufficient raw materials, fuel and food, India presents a natural market for resource-rich LAC.

41. ‘Mind-Boggling variety’: the food crusaders preserving India’s heritage A rich range of native crops and seeds is being nurtured in an effort to halt the country’s rapidly vanishing food

42. Some people are calling the Baobab fruit the next “super food” because of its exotic nature and rich nutrient profile.

43. Composting Brochure; VermiComposting is a method of Composting that uses worms to break down food waste into nutrient-rich soil.

44. An outdoor Composting bin allows you to turn your food waste into nutrient-rich soil for your plants over time

45. Hello governments of rich countries selling arms to governments of poor countries who can't even afford to give them food.

46. In return, the tree rewards ants with food in the form of protein-rich Beltian bodies (the white objects in the picture above) and sugar-rich nectaries, and with secure housing inside hollow

47. Moroderi can be a source of anthocyanin-rich food Colourant (E-163) with both high polyphenols content and high antioxidant activity

48. Chef Dominick Dardano brings a rich Italian heritage and a passion for good food and drink to you at Bistro 11

49. This combination of almond and gumdrop could be a good style of value added food rich in organic juice and various vitamins.

50. Alfalfa is a fiber-rich food and may help to control blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of glucose into the intestines

51. Poor and content is rich and rich enough. 

52. So he gives orders that his servants should give all of them the same rich food and wine that he and his family receive.

53. Most of us are not striving to get rich, but like the widow of Zarephath, we do want to put food on the table.

54. Government of the rich people, by the rich people, and for the rich people, so help me God.

55. It is rich firstly, it forms by two parts: Of the absolute magnitude of rich and rich make a state.

56. Your rich husband.

57. It is better to live rich than to die rich. 

58. Good food should be rich in vitamins and minerals, and also be low in saturated fat, salt and fast-releasing sugars and high in fiber.

59. Make me rich.

60. Rich white folk.

61. Rich Corinthian leather.

62. Half Caked Instant Crush - Rich Rich 4.6 out of 5 stars 8

63. Rich, not gaudy.

64. Tantalite is the tantalum-rich member, and Columbite is the niobium-rich member

65. Columbite is the niobium-rich member, and Tantalite is the tantalum-rich member

66. It has been accepted that Astringency is due to the tannin-induced interaction and/or precipitation of the salivary proline-rich proteins (PRPs) in the oral cavity, as a result of the ingestion of food products rich in tannins, for example, red wine.

67. A Rich Cultural Showcase

68. He's ever so rich.

69. Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor. Benjamin Franklin 

70. While Carrageenan-rich seaweed has been a common gelling ingredient in some foods for centuries, modern food production techniques use an isolated, refined form of the additive

71. It's called 'Crazy Rich Asians,' but it's really not about crazy rich Asians

72. Cabbages have formed an important part of our diet for thousands of years as a staple food, rich in vitamin C, both in Europe and the far-east

73. A Rich, Rewarding Life

74. And get rich together.

75. She's rich, you're poor.

76. And a rich payday.

77. Rich Lands and Poor.

78. The Chowkidar is a protector of the rich man/woman’s wealth and life but the rich never allow any Chowkidar to become rich

79. His brother's stinking rich .

80. Over 100 years old, Burdocks has earned a unique place in Dublin’s Rich History, famous for our freshly cooked food and the deliciously tempting aroma drifting from Werburgh St.