Use "rhyolite" in a sentence

1. Rhyolite can cause damage in concrete by alkali-aggregate reaction, and overall, both rhyolite and hyaloclastite have worse properties than basalt.

2. The Auerberg is made of rhyolite (quartz porphyry), a volcanic rock.

3. Andesite is an extrusive rock intermediate in composition between rhyolite and basalt

4. % ZnO, occurs in miarolitic cavities in peralkaline rhyolite which cuts the quartz syenite.

5. This Biface is made of rhyolite, a type of fine-grained volcanic rock.

6. The eruption ended with the extrusion of a lava dome of rhyolite that plugged the vent.

7. The name of the program, originally "Rhyolite", was changed to "Aquacade" in 1975 following the disclosure of the codeword "Rhyolite" in the trial of Christopher Boyce and Andrew Lee

8. They consist of bimodal basalt–rhyolite suites interbedded with alluvial fan, lacustrine, and rare fluvial sediments.

9. Rhyolite and Andesite are developed mainly in the effusive facies of Well Blocks DD14 and DD10

10. With the exception of the alkaline earths, there is no evidence of diffusional transport across the rhyolite-andesite contacts.

11. New Mexico Rhyolite, slab, Cabbing rough, lapidary, gemstone, specimen, mineral, rock, rough, semi-precious, yellow, red, brown, #R-1856 TNTMineCo

12. The Stonehenge Bluestones are of volcanic and igneous rocks, the most common of which are called dolerite and rhyolite

13. After the creation of olivinic — pyroxenic andesites followed the exit of trachyandesites, trachytic and dacitic lavas with final creation of rhyolite and of volcanic glasses.

14. Aquacade, previously designated Rhyolite, was a class of SIGINT spy satellites operated by the National Reconnaissance Office for the United States Central Intelligence Agency

15. The oldest of these sediments are Early Cretaceous alluvial clays, silts, and sands that contain layers of conglomerate, tuff, tuffaceous sandstone, coal, and, at top, rhyolite.

16. These two alteration processes were contemporaneous events, which shared a common aqueous fluid, developed within cooling submarine volcanic rocks shortly after the extrusion of rhyolite, and terminated prior to extrusion of succeeding units.

17. The Central Volcanic Complex which is host to the ores is a high-K calc-alkaline andesite-dacite-rhyolite suite which has erupted through thick continental crust along an ancient continental margin.

18. Rhyolite is formed by the eruption of acidic magma, characterized by high GR and medium impedance, whereas Andesite is formed by the eruption of intermediate magma, characterized by low GR and high impedance.

19. Made out of a fine-grained volcanic rock called rhyolite, the so-called “Cinmar Biface” is a large, thin knife with evidence of well-controlled percussion thinning flake scars on both faces

20. These heterogeneous lavas exhibit two distinct components: (1) an acid one, making up the light-coloured groundmass (fluidal rhyolite), and (2) a basic, dark, vitreous component in the shape of micro-pillows and/or flame-like patches.

21. As a result, most geysers form in places where there is volcanic rhyolite rock which dissolves in hot water and forms mineral deposits called siliceous sinter, or geyserite, along the inside of the plumbing systems which are very slender.

22. Only on the islet Yiali which consists exclusively of acid lavas (pumice stones, rhyolite, perlite) fossiliferous layers of marly limestone, sandstone and konglomerate are found, as much at the sea level as in the top of the layers of pumice stone, of tyrrhenian age.

23. The spatial arrangement of the tungsten molybdenum zones, intrusive styles, rock compositions, and composite nature of the rhyolite porphyry stock suggest that this deposit is of the Climax type.Brecciating fluids emanating from the stock were regulated by a highly metamorphosed layer of shale, now preserved as a hornfels.

24. Bulk or Rough for Tumbling, Slabbing, Cabbing or Sphere Making Cabochons Crystals-Minerals Display-Jewelry Faceted Gems Fossils Geodes, Thundereggs and Nodules Jewelry Metal Ore Slabs for Cabbing Agate Slabs Amethyst Slab Andeite Slabs Angel Wing Agate Slab Arabic Script Slab Aventurine Slab Birds Eye Rhyolite Slab Bloodstone Slab

25. With the help of a diffractometer, Hoàng T. T. analyzed about a hundred samples of clays from diverse origins: kaolin from alluvions of ancient Quaternary (Province of Bình Dương, Biên Hoà) ), the clays of recent alluvions (different localities between Mekong and Đông Nai river), or from the weathering of granite, rhyolite and shale of Đà Lạt area (Province of Lâm Đồng).

26. Basaltic Basalt Gabbro 45-55 SiO2 %, high in Fe, Mg, Ca, low in K, Na 1000 - 1200 oC Low Low Intermediate or Andesitic Andesite Diorite 55-65 SiO2 %, intermediate in Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K 800 - 1000 oC Intermediate Intermediate Felsic or Rhyolitic Rhyolite Granite 65-75 SiO2 %, low in Fe, Mg, Ca, high in K, Na 650 - 800 oC High High Origin of Magma