Use "revolts" in a sentence

1. Human nature revolts against/at such cruelty.

2. They experienced social unrest, revolts and famine.

3. 19 Human nature revolts against/at such cruelty.

4. His rule was marked by revolts and civil wars.

5. The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts.

6. 12 For I know how many your revolts* are

7. We also had difficult experiences, including living through two armed revolts.

8. From 398 to 403, there were constant revolts and civil war campaigns.

9. And if your revolts actually increase, what do you do to him?”

10. ‘“For three revolts of Gazʹa,+ and for four, I will not reverse it,

11. In 1989, the first revolts started in Shkodra and spread in other cities.

12. 14 ‘For in the day I call Israel to account for all his revolts,*+

13. Generation gaps, youth revolts, drugs, new moralities and sexual revolutions—all of this frightens parents.

14. Probus was eager to start his eastern campaign, delayed by the revolts in the west.

15. These revolts marked the beginning of a devastating war of independence against the Napoleonic regime.

16. In the third century C.E., social injustice and excessive taxes gave rise to revolts among small farmers.

17. Alcyon Pleiades 23-2: Elite on display: Corruption, Ebola scam, Mexican revolts and the rise of BRICs.

18. The current advert for the Washburn Mercury guitar revolts me to the very depths of my soul.

19. To subvert them would be to incite peasant revolts even more threatening than those which punctuated the eighteenth century.

20. While attempting to put down the revolts, the main Parthian force swept into the region and killed Antiochus in battle.

21. His family had a long history of revolts against the Ottoman Empire, which ruled most of what is now Greece.

22. 275, Aurelian, by now consul for the third time, suppressed revolts in Gaul and fought invading barbarians in Vindelicia (southern Germany today)

23. In the mid-1960’s, animosity between ethnic groups in northern and eastern Nigeria led to disturbances, revolts, lawlessness, and ethnic violence.

24. 12 This was done through the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium, from 1899 to 19 which forced Egypt to share Sudan with Britain after the Mahdist Revolts.

25. Societal Transformation: this is the third and decisive step after the state organization has been seriously weakened and peasant revolts become widespread against landlords.

26. They achieved this through their reputation as providers of fierce, highly disciplined fighting men, who were employed by the emperor to suppress revolts by other minorities.

27. Aurangzeb was able to suppress these revolts yet the continuous rebellion and warfare adversely affected the treasury, and debilitated the power of the emperor and the army

28. In those revolts, thinkers or ideologues — from Thomas Paine to Lenin to Mao to Vaclav Havel — helped provide a unifying vision or became symbols of a people's aspirations.

29. The Ottoman government ended the Albanian revolts by accepting almost all demands of Albanian rebels on September 4, 1912, which included the formation of the vilayet later in 1912.

30. But the reactionary policies of the Holy Alliance were enforced by Francis I and Klemens Metternich, and the country refused to give asylum for leaders of revolts in neighboring countries.

31. It was the first time that Clinton detailed alleged efforts by Iran to meddle in the three-month wave of Arab revolts that have toppled presidents in Tunisia and Egypt, Convulsed Libya …

32. Yesterday’s geeks and loners could be the pioneers of tomorrow’s new world: “lucid Bacchanalism” is a new horizon, a new possibility for transgression and transformation that could provide fertile soil for revolts yet unimaginable

33. Aurangzeb (1618-1707) was the sixth Mogul emperor of India and the last of the "Great Moguls." He extended the Mogul Empire to its farthest boundaries, but his reign was harsh and marked by revolts

34. 3 “This is what Jehovah has said, ‘“On account of three revolts of Damascus,+ and on account of four, I shall not turn it back, on account of their threshing Gilʹe·ad+ even with iron threshing instruments.

35. (102) Though in other parts of his chronicle, Jean Molinet seems to show a certain understanding for the Flemish revolts against Maximillian of Austria at the end of the fifteenth century, he " Animalizes " the rebels by reproaching them for their "furious and unreasonable brutality" ("furieuse et …

36. The Aramean Empire, or simply, Aram, was a theocracy whose territory covers almost all of the Eastern Mediterranean seaboard.The country rose from the ashes of the collapse of the Russian Empire following the eviction of its Communist-backed Emperors, defeating Russian troops in a series of revolts from 1986 to 1988

37. The Cretan Revolt of 1866–1869 or Great Cretan Revolution (Greek: Κρητική Επανάσταση του 1866) was a three-year uprising against Ottoman rule, the third and largest in a series of revolts between the end of the Greek War of Independence in 1830 and the establishment of the independent Cretan …

38. After the revolution of 1820, in the civil war between Constitutionalists Liberals (the new parliamentary constitution was supported by King João VI) and Absolutists (supporting his younger son, the Infante – that is, royal prince – Miguel of Portugal, a sworn enemy of any form of democracy), Travassos Valdez was strongly on the Constitutionalist side and was engaged in suppressing Absolutist revolts.