Use "revolting" in a sentence

1. It's revolting!

2. What a revolting smell!

3. His feet smelt revolting.

4. The food was revolting!

5. What a revolting colour!

6. The smell from the river was revolting.

7. The smell in the cell was revolting.

8. Picking your nose is a revolting habit.

9. Theirs was a callous, Abominable, almost revolting, pertinacity

10. Whatever does she see in him - he's revolting!

11. Bridgeables dhunchee Mesartim revolting motorman Zeph languishers wide-winding

12. Such a scene does seem too revolting to record.

13. I don't know how you can eat that revolting stuff!

14. I think the huge scale massacre of pheasants is revolting.

15. Who's that TV presenter who always wears those revolting sweaters?

16. Have a sniff of this medicine—it smells revolting,doesn't it?

17. See what all with a revolting feeling , fidgety, become angry frequently.

18. What are you thinking of, entertaining guests here in your revolting lair?

19. 56 synonyms for Accursed: hateful, offensive, disgusting, horrible, revolting, obscene, vile, foul

20. However, some people find Cilantro revolting, including, famously, the chef Julia Child.

21. The barracks of the government force was attacked by the revolting soldiers.

22. This truly revolting footage shows huge Blackheads being removed from a man's back

23. In that horrifying ruin of an apartment, she did all those revolting deeds...!

24. It was a revolting ending for an adventure that had started so Auspiciously.

25. They have spent all their money on gewgaws and revolting tinned restaurant meals.

26. I said to myself that the world is revolting and man is pitiful.

27. Like this expensive leather just be you to destroy as this revolting behaviour.

28. The prisoners are revolting against living conditions in the prisons by refusing to eat.

29. My whole arm began to smell positively revolting, and the pain was almost unbearable.

30. He thought she had a growth, or was losing her innards in some revolting way.

31. Revolting against Median rulership, Cyrus won a swift victory because the army of Astyages defected.

32. Some of the methods used in illegal abortions by midwives and amateur abortionists are revolting.

33. Synonyms for Abhorrent include hateful, revolting, disgusting, distasteful, hated, loathsome, offensive, repellent, repugnant and repulsive

34. The annoying thing was that the revolting youth had put his finger on a significant point.

35. Video-Taped report follows Read in studio Welcome back ... later on ... it's revolting but is it art?

36. Remember that three piece suite Mrs Killeen had? It was grey and mustard. It was absolutely revolting!

37. They had not been broken by the crash of empires, the machetes of revolting slaves, war, rebellion, proscription , confiscation.

38. That Tyson chose the most flagrant, revolting and despicable way to cheat says something about the basic character of the man.

39. Entities zoom around in simulated three-dimensional space, colliding with each other, shooting each other down, swallowing each other amid revolting noises.

40. 18 Entities zoom around in simulated three-dimensional space, colliding with each other, shooting each other down, swallowing each other amid revolting noises.

41. Jesus’ opposers found him so revolting that they, in effect, turned away from him as if he were too loathsome to look upon.

42. But the generation in power in 1954 looked at enforced separation without the more revolting background of slavery to make it look unexceptional by contrast.

43. Social Abjection is a concept and theory which I developed in my book Revolting Subjects (2013) to describe how power is constituted through forms of ‘inclusive exclusion’

44. Apocalypto seems to have been made to argue that Mayan civilisation was evil and revolting, and that it was a jolly good thing the Spanish turned up to …

45. As such, Bunch is iconic, always outrageously in your face, sometimes very funny, sometimes cringeworthy, sometimes lovable, and sometimes revolting (even to herself), but always and forever authentic

46. If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions. Ellen Degeneres 

47. 28 If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions. Ellen Degeneres 

48. Austen's early fiction is outrageous, inventive, Bumptiously irreverent, and even (as she herself might say) inelegant; most of Gillray's visual satires are all that and more, bloody and violent, scabrous and scatological and even revolting

49. The artist peoples the scene with strongly characterised, almost caricatural figures, that we find again in several of his paintings: the aging pimp with a Cupidinous and revolting grin, the red-faced, jeering drunk, the avid gambler, the prostitute

50. If your cousin tells revolting jokes, belches, and smells like he spent the winter in a cave, he could be described as Boorish — an adjective used for people with bad manners and a sloppy appearance. We almost always use the word Boorish for men

51. Herbert Hirche - only the design Cognoscente tend to know his name today.: Herbert Hirche - den Namen kennen heute nur noch wenige Designinteressierte.: It is the Muji principle that ensures special attention for the content by virtue of a lack of branding and enables the buyer to feel like one of the Cognoscente who rejects all the label hype, finds huge logos revolting, and wants real values.

52. Related Bible stories Lot Flees As Sodom And Gomorrah Burn Jacob Flees Laban God Blinds Arameans Arameans Flee He Is Directed To Flee To The Mountains, But Obtains Leave To Go Into Zoar He Flees Into Midian, And Marries Zipporah David Upon The News Flees From Jerusalem Joab Fleeing To The Horns Of The Altar, Is There Slain Ten Tribes Revolting, Kill Adoram, And Make Rehoboam Flee …