Use "reverend" in a sentence

1. 17 Is it Reverend, the Reverend, Mr, Mrs, or what?

2. Phyl Contestable is Reverend Mother

3. Very Reverend Archpriest Vazken G

4. BekiarianWORCESTER - Very Reverend Archpriest Vazken G

5. 14 Do you remember Reverend Ward?

6. Reverend williams took the bait.

7. Should he be styled 'Mr' or 'Reverend'?

8. The Reverend Billy Graham Graham in 1966 …

9. 22 You have a visitor,( Reverend Mother.

10. 13 Reverend Edwards is the new prison chaplain.

11. Buckism : Ethos of the Reverend of Evolution

12. Genealogy profile for Reverend Elder Anoa'i Amituana'i

13. The Arduousness of love by Reverend Rodel Balagtas

14. About the Archbishop Most Reverend José H

15. 8 You have a visitor,[] Reverend Mother.

16. Most reverend signior , do you know my voice ?

17. 9 The Reverend Mother will see you now.

18. Reverend Sonny Lara is well-known for his oratory.

19. 5 The Reverend William Cronshaw delivered/preached the sermon.

20. Yeah, well, you're preaching to the choir there, Reverend.

21. 4 Communion was celebrated by the Reverend John Harris.

22. Reverend Jones has moved to a new church.

23. Reverend Seine Bolks is still known among the people as Dominee Bolks - a title of respect and the Dutch equivalent of 'Reverend Bolks'

24. 2 The Reverend William Cronshaw delivered/preached the sermon.

25. Beggin'your pardon, Reverend... but that's the Frog, standing alongside.

26. 3 Communion was celebrated by the Reverend John Harris.

27. Roderigo . Most reverend signior, do you know my voice?

28. 18 The reverend was on his way to Rome.

29. 6 A reverend gentleman is here to see you.

30. 1 Reverend Jones has moved to a new church.

31. There remained the schoolmaster - probably now a reverend parson.

32. Those squatters, Reverend, are standing in the way of progress.

33. 16 Reverend Sonny Lara is well-known for his oratory.

34. He walked in there a reverend and walked out a prophet.

35. The Boycott was led by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

36. 30 The march was headed by the Reverend Martin Luther King.

37. 7 The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons.

38. The march was headed by the Reverend Martin Luther King.

39. 19 Reverend Pinkerton will conduct her first service on this Sunday.

40. 20 Reverend Leonard Hendry has joined the dole queues in Tewkesbury.

41. 15 The Reverend Canon Something-or-the-other was rounding it off.

42. The Columbaria were consecrated by The Most Reverend Bishop Joel M

43. 5 Our worship today is led by the Reverend John Parker.

44. Chasuble is a reverend who is called in to perform a christening.

45. Buckism : Ethos of the Reverend of Evolution [Charles Sankey Emanuwa] on

46. 22 The Reverend Mr Enders asked permission to speak on her behalf.

47. 11 The self - styled ` Reverend 'Harper is not a real clergyman at all.

48. The self - styled ` Reverend 'Harper is not a real clergyman at all.

49. Reverend Coggins always said he ran a one-stop body and soul shop.

50. The bishop indicated that he could be addressed as Father, Bishop, or Reverend.

51. 31 synonyms for Clergyman: minister, priest, vicar, parson, reverend, rabbi, pastor, chaplain

52. 21 He walked in there a reverend and walked out a prophet.

53. Life that Buckism : Ethos Of The Reverend Of Evolution Charles Sankey Emanuwa really matter

54. Buckism - Ethos of the Reverend of Evolution.: (BLACK-PINK Agbon-land) AMEN - C-JAZZ

55. Description Reverend Seven Abstinences, his title came from the Seven Abstinences in Buddhism

56. Reverend Guitars and Basses are made with Korina bodies, loaded with Reverend's custom pickups

57. 12 Reverend Peters was nominated for the honour by colleagues at Walworth Methodist Church.

58. Riley the auctioneer advises that Tom be taught by the Reverend Walter Stelling.

59. The Reverend Jesse Jackson's whispered comments are now reverberating throughout the presidential campaign.

60. 27 Reverend Sawyer says like everything else, his church is being hit by the recession.

61. The Reverend Mr Smith will officiate at the wedding , ie perform the marriage ceremony.

62. Synonyms for Churchwoman include vicar, minister, priest, cleric, preacher, ecclesiastic, pastor, churchman, reverend and divine

63. Buckism - Ethos of the Reverend of Evolution.: (BLACK-PINK Agbon-land) AMEN - C-JAZZ

64. 4 Slowly and with misgiving, she went down to greet the Reverend James Longley.

65. 25 So I spoke, and the reverend prayed and we all trooped out again.

66. The Right Reverend Archimandrite Fadi Rabbat was born in Achrafieh, Beirut (Lebanon) on December 19, 1977

67. Now, afore God, this reverend holy friar, All our whole city is much bound to him.

68. The Treeing Tennessee Brindle's development began in the early 1960s with the efforts of Reverend Earl Phillips.

69. So the fact that I'm a doctor and my wife's a reverend that's important to you?

70. 28 The young and kindly bearded Reverend had tissue creases of sad worry round his eyes.

71. 4 His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken.

72. Botanising beyond belief The Reverend Richard Thomas Lowe was an intrepid botanist who contributed to Darwin's theories

73. It is with great sorrow to announce the passing of The Very Reverend Archimandrite Constantine Spyridon Bebis, on March …

74. Hooded, he was led rider-less, the head of a miles-long procession by the Reverend Henry Brown.

75. 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing (1963) Upon learning of the Bombing at the Church, Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr

76. 'Cause Reverend Lawrence's grandson is going to get the, uh, lute-playing angel,'cause he was in the choir.

77. As a general rule, don’t participate in Brainwashings unless you’re promised a signed autograph from Reverend Moon afterwards

78. ‘The Reverend Kyle Lake, 33, was standing in water in a Baptistery at University Baptist Church when he …

79. 12 His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken.

80. Running around with the Reverend the way you are, you are in no position to throw stones at me.