Use "retroperitoneum" in a sentence

1. 13 A normal right adrenal gland is shown here positioned between the liver and the kidney in the retroperitoneum .

2. 17 This chapter reviews in detail the anatomy of the upper urinary tract and adrenal gland as well as the anatomy of the retroperitoneum and abdominal wall, which contain them.

3. Computed tomography of the right thigh, abdomen and pelvis showed an abscess formation in the adductor muscles draining from the abscess that completely occupied the right retroperitoneum up to the diaphragm, dissecting downward through the inguinal canal.

4. The Adnexa is the region adjoining the uterus that contains the ovary and fallopian tube, as well as associated vessels, ligaments, and connective tissue. Pathology in this area may also be related to the uterus, bowel, or retroperitoneum, or metastatic disease from another site.