Use "retrofitting" in a sentence

1. We've been retrofitting the airlocks.

2. Everyone else: Analeptically (retrofitting), Col

3. Retrofitting existing concrete columns by external prestressing

4. Much of this business involves retrofitting existing planes.

5. The first is to plan retrofitting much more systemically at the metropolitan scale.

6. Short Term Actions For example: equipment replacement, installing infrared units, retrofitting one truck with liquid spreading capability, training.

7. Method of retrofitting and actuating variable profile cam for controlling lift and timing of engine valves

8. Modifying vehicles of all kinds for retrofitting of heat insulated or insulating cargo compartments

9. While replacement would make retrofitting unnecessary, the first phase of the retrofit project began last September.

10. Even retrofitting of flue gas desulphurisation at the big coal stations would not make them more expensive than some gas burn.

11. (It estimates that retrofitting all the health facilities it operates in Aboriginal communities would cost $7.5 million.)

12. THV11 Retrofitting existing Buses with new seats and belts would be “extremely expensive,” Fahrendholz said, estimating such a retrofit at $25,000 per bus.

13. But it's important to note that all of this retrofitting is not occurring -- just bulldozers are coming and just plowing down the whole city.

14. Theyional blocks. Retrofitting therefore requires adjustments to the braking system, leading to additional initial costs of up to €10 000 per wagon.

15. SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE also demonstrates how retrofitting can enhance the quality of the indoor environment by improving air, daylight, acoustics and thermal comfort for pupils and staff.

16. Retrofitting two of its icebreakers with state-of-the art catalytic converters opens up a whole new market for the Finnish company Arctia Shipping

17. As they have different braking characteristics to conventional blocks, retrofitting requires adjustments in the braking system, leading to additional initial costs of up to €10 000.

18. Coalescing Media is a standard feature of our high performance oil water separators and are also offered for replacement or retrofitting of existing tanks to improve performance and increase flow rates

19. The mail survey elicited hypothetical, open-ended annual household willingness to pay (WTP) values simultaneously for special wildfire insurance, private Averting activities (e.g., retrofitting rooftops, creating defensible space), and two types of public Averting activities (e.g., thinning and prescribed burning on neighborhood and nearby

20. Industrial acoustic noise barrier units for industrial facilities, for retrofitting of existing facilities, for power generation plants, for compressor, regulator, meter and pumping stations, namely, non-metal doors and windows, acoustical buildings, acoustical equipment enclosures, acoustical doors and windows, walls

21. Is Air tight baffle trim worth purchasing and installing in existing standard cans? Will installing an Air tight baffle trim eliminate most of the air leakage from standard recessed can lighting? Will retrofitting a recessed fixture with Air tight baffle trim do nearly as much as installing an Air tight drywall box over the can light from the

22. The invention relates to an assembly for installing a direction-finding antenna in a radome, preferably for retrofitting a direction-finding antenna in a radome, comprising: at least one antenna element, which is attached to the inside of an outer shell of the radome, wherein the direction-finding antenna is suitable preferably for use in an interferometer direction-finding method and/or in an Adcock direction-finding method, especially preferably for use in a correlative interferometer direction-finding method, and further especially preferably for use in mobile systems suitable for performing at least one of said direction-finding methods.

23. The invention further relates to a method for installing a direction-finding antenna in a radome, preferably for retrofitting a direction-finding antenna in a radome, comprising the following step: attaching at least one antenna element to the inside of an outer shell of the radome, wherein the direction-finding antenna is suitable preferably for use in an interferometer direction-finding method and/or in an Adcock direction-finding method, especially preferably in a correlative interferometer direction-finding method, and further especially preferably for use in mobile systems suitable for performing at least one of said direction-finding methods.